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After lunch Kara left for her office after telling Lena she'd see her later, and Sam and Andrea bye she headed to her office. "Kara wait up! I'll walk back with you. I've gotta get going anyhow." Andrea said as she walked after her. "Sure..." Kara replied with a smile. Lena glared at the brunette as she walked away with Kara. When the door shut Sam looked at her with a smirk. "Just tell her you like her! Before Andrea snatches her up!" Sam groaned. "I will...this weekend." Lena replied. "Good! Cause I can tell she likes you too! She's just to after to say anything." Sam replied.

Back in the hallway to the elevator Andrea has paused to talk to Kara. "So are you seeing anyone Kara?" Andrea asked. "Nope. I'm still getting used to the city." Kara replied. "Ah ok. So this is your office?" Andrea asked. "Yep. I've got work to do now so..I'll see you later." Kara replied opening her office door. "Could I see what you're working on?" Andrea asked. "You'd have to take that up with Lena. But like I said I've got work to do, and didn't you say had to get back to your office?" Kara asked. "Yes...I did. But would it be ok if we exchanged numbers? I'd like to get to know you better if thats ok?" Andrea pressed. "Sure. Always good to have more friends." Kara replied.

"Oh...yea...I meant so that once you got settled we could go out sometime..." Andrea replied. "I don't think I made myself clear...I'm not looking for a relationship right now. And if I was...I already have someone in mind. So yes we can be friends but nothing further. I don't date family of the people I served with." Kara replied. Just then Lena rounded the corner with her tablet in hand. "Kara...I..oh Andrea you're still here...something wrong?" Lena asked. "Just getting shot down by Kara here." Andrea replied. "Shot down? You already hitting on her?" Lena asked. "Yes she was. But I don't date family of people I served with. Nor am I looking for a relationship right now but if I was I already have someone in mind. What is it you need Lee?" Kara asked. "Oh umm can we talk about it in your office? It's a work matter." Lena replied. "Sure. Bye Andrea." Kara added as she shut her office door.

Turning to Lena she asked again what the problem was. "Look...it appears someone is trying to hack into the system." Lena stated as she held her tablet out. "Hmmm....I see...sit please...I'll fix this in a matter of seconds." Kara said as she quickly began typing on the tablet. A few minutes later Kara was finished and handed the tablet back to Lena. "There. All fixed and twenty seven new firewalls set up. Was there anything else you needed Lee?" Kara asked as she looked at her. "Uh...yea..." Lena replied. "What is it Lee? You can tell me whatever it is...." Kara replied. "I like you Kara...but I also know you're still getting adjusted to the city so I'm gonna wait till you get settled in to do anything about it." Lena replied. Kara just looked at her with a blank face. "Thank you for telling me Lee. And thank you for telling me you'd wait. That means a lot to me." Kara replied. "So we're ok?" Lena asked. "Yea Lee of course!" Kara replied.

"Do you really have a rule about dating family of people you served with?" Lena asked smiling at her. "No! I just told Andrea that because she wasn't taking no for an answer. I never liked pushy people. And I had the feeling that she was only asking me out as a pity date. She probably knows what happened through Ashley so she wanted to do the supportive big sister thing and ask out the woman who saved her sister." Kara added. "She probably was. Andrea will still try to peruse you know that..." Lena replied. "I figured...but I'm good at saying 'no' over and over again." Kara replied. Lena smiled at her. "Do you really have a lot more work to do?" Lena asked after a little bit.

"Not really. I've been finished since before lunch. Would you like to check it out?" Kara asked grabbing her laptop. Lena moved closer to Kara on the sofa and looked at the work. "Wow! This is...amazing! How did you do this so quickly?" Lena asked. "Simple..I just took this and mortified it here and here to make your whole system run a hundred percent better. Now everything will run smoothly no buffering, no bugs, no nothing." Kara explained. Lena was stunned. "Can you show me sometime?" Lena asked. "Of course! How's Saturday morning sound? I can go over everything I've done here with you on my home computer." Kara replied as her phone dinged. "Who's that?" Lena asked. "Andrea..." Kara replied with an eye roll. "Told you! She's not a quitter." Lena replied. "Well I've got to get back to work...I'll see you in a few hours." Kara said. "Of course! See then." Lena replied as she walked out of Kara's office.

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