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In the morning Kara woke up to Lena lying on her chest. Her blue eyes widened with panic as she lay there watching Lena's chest rise and fall as she slept. Kara sensing she was waking up quickly shut her eyes and controlled her breathing again. Lena began to move her hand up and under Kara's shirt as she slept on. Her hand grazed over the rippling abs Kara had. It was all Kara could do not to moan at Lena's feather light touches as she lay there pretending to be asleep.

The sun hit Lena in the face causing her to groan as she opened her eyes. "Fuck! Not again!" Lena exclaimed as she jumped back off Kara and ran into the bathroom to put on some clothes on before returning to her own place. Kara heard Lena run out of the bathroom and sat up. "Lena! Where are you going?" Kara asked. "Uh... back to my place." Lena replied softly. "Stay...have breakfast...then you can go. But if you really want to go now it's ok too." Kara replied moving into her chair. Lena watched her move from the bed to the chair with ease. "What's for breakfast?" Lena asked smiling at her.

"Knowing my mom...it'll be something very unhealthy and good." Kara replied with a smile. "So do you use your chair at home a lot?" Lena asked. "Only when I have family over and I'm hungry. Now come on get moving or sit on my lap and I'll move you out to the kitchen myself!" Kara groaned. Lena remained where she stood to see what Kara would do. Kara rolled over to Lena and bumped her in the back of the legs causing her to fall backwards. "Sit! Feet up!" Kara stated as she wrapped her arms around Lena as they rolled out to the kitchen.

Eliza was in the kitchen already making waffles, bacon and eggs. "Good morning!" She greeted as Kara rolled out with Lena on her lap. "Comfortable?" Eliza asked looking at Lena. "Not really..your daughters is just demanding and rude." Lena replied chuckling. Hearing this Kara picked Lena up and sat her on the floor. "There! That's for saying I'm uncomfortable to sit on and rude! No more breakfast burritos for you!" Kara replied as she moved over to the table. Eliza shook her head at the two women smiling as she returned to her cooking. Lena got up and went and sat by Kara at the table.

A few minutes later Alex and Sam came out and joined them. "So mom? Are you heading back today? Or are you gonna stay for a while?" Alex asked. "Oh...I've got to get back today, unfortunately." Eliza replied. "Oh...ok...well I'll walk you out after I shower." Alex replied. "This is wonderful Mrs. Danvers." Sam stated. "Thank you Sam! Please call me Eliza! You too Lena." Eliza replied. "So this is where you learned to cook?" Lena asked Kara. "Yep. Mom taught Alex and me to cook at a young age." Kara replied.

"Kara's cooked for you Lena?" Eliza asked. "Yes one day she brought me a burrito and coffee to work. The burrito was delicious! Sam, Kara and I have lunch together almost every day in the office. That's how I met Alex. I came to Kara's office with food and she was in there, and we all ate lunch together." Lena replied. "That's the night we all went to Al's and got Kara to dance with Lena! Alex told us all about Kara's dance moves and we just had to see them for ourselves!" Sam replied. "I'm glad shes made such lovely friends!" Eliza replied as she grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Im gonna go shower and get changed then I'll be off." Eliza said as she left the kitchen. "Yep and I'm gonna head upstairs to my place and get ready myself." Lena replied. Everyone separated and left the kitchen to shower and ready for the day even Sam left to go home.

Kara was just getting out of the shower when she heard a knock on her door. "Mom! Can you get that?" She called out. Getting no response. "I'll be right there!" Kara called. She quickly put on some shorts and a tshirt and her prosthetic leg and hurried to the door. Opening it to see Lena standing there. "Lena? Whats up?" Kara asked. Lena however was too busy looking at Kara in shorts. "Nothing...I um..left my clothes here thats all..." Lena replied. "Oh..mom put them in the wash before she left with Alex. You can come hang out till they're done if you want." Kara replied. 

Lena nodded and sat on the sofa. "I'll be right back..I'm gonna go finish getting dressed." Kara replied as she walked off. "I thought you were dressed?" Lena asked. "I am...but I need to fix my hair." Kara replied as she disappeared into the bedroom. Lena looked around at everything on the shelves, Kara had her medals and ribbons on display along with lots of photographs hanging on the walls. When Kara came out she saw Lena looking at one picture in particular.

"That was me and my friends the day we finished basic training. These two were in the accident with me. Ashley and Sara, we don't talk much anymore now. They're all busy with their families. That's my MIT graduation photo. My roommate took it. It's the last picture we have with our dad. He died a month later in a car accident. And this is my first Marine Corps Ball. I was nineteen at the time, Alex's friend was my date." Kara explained. "What type of uniform is this?" Lena asked looking at the photo. "Dress blues! We wear them for special occasions, like funerals, weddings, balls, and so on." Kara explained. "So if you get married you'll wear them?" Lena asked. "Yes. I'm still a Marine even if I'm missing a leg." Kara replied.

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