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However the dance was short lived when Kara's infantry unit began chanting her name. "OORAH GUNNY!" They all chanted. "OORAH INFANTRY UNIT 110! OORAH!" Kara called back. Lena stood there watching them get into a huddle of sorts as they still went on chatting whatever they were saying. "What are they doing?" Lena asked looking at Eliza. "It's a pre mission thing. They did this before Kara and the squad members headed out that day. It's how they remember Kara's sacrifice that day." Eliza replied.

"I remember that day!" One Marine stated as his head popped up from the circle. "Gunny made sure everyone was out including Sirius!" Another chimed in. "Then she went to grab the aide bag!" Another chimed in. "Gunny thought we'd need it...but it was her who needed it!" Ashley added. "We stopped the bleeding...and called for backup..." The first one added. "We were in hell that day...but Gunny Danvers kept us calm." Ashely replied. "She made sure we stayed calm and stayed safe!" The second Marine to stand up said. "She sacrificed her left leg to save our sorry asses! And for that we'll all be thankful for." Ashely added. "OOORAH GUNNY!" They all shouted. "OOHRAH! SEMPER FI!" Kara shouted back as they engulfed her in a hug.

"What does that mean?" Sam asked. "Always Faithful." Alex replied as Kara made her way back to their table. "Makes sense...doesn't it?" Ashley asked as she joined the Danvers table. "What does?" Lena asked. "Semper Fi. Kara and all of us followed that moto in the Marines. Being faithful to our loved ones here." Ashley replied. Lena smiled at Kara who nodded in response. "Tonight was fun! We need to get together more often Gunny." Ashley stated. "I agree! You'll have to come to National City more often!" Kara replied. "Did no one tell you? We moved here just a few months ago." Ashely replied. "Really? Well then how about we all get together next weekend. It's still summer and what a better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than having a barbecue at my house!" Eliza chimed in.

"Are you sure mom?" Kara asked. "Yes sweetie I am. It'll be good to have all my favorite people under one roof." Eliza replied. "Momma D...will you make those cookies?" Ashley asked. "Of course I will. Kara told me how you all enjoyed the tins I used to send over." Eliza replied. "Excellent! I'll tell the better half and the kids we are  going to your house for the holiday." Ashley replied. "Kara..it's good to see you happy again. Lena...if you hurt gunny here I'll personally make you regret it." Ashley stated. "Don't worry. I have no plans to hurt Kara at all." Lena replied. "Good. See ya guys..." Al's hey replied before she headed to her table.

After the ball came to an end everyone headed to their homes for the night. Lena and Kara were in the elevator heading towards Kara's condo when Lena pulled the blonde into another heated kiss. The kiss was only broken when the elevator opened up again. Kara stepped off the elevator and looked back at Lena. "You coming?" Kara asked. Lena didn't hesitate to join her as they walked towards the blondes door.

Sirius was already in his crate in the living room when Kara and Lena stumbled into the condo. Kara easily picked up Lena and carried her to the bedroom where she sat her on the bed. Slowly they removed their clothing eyes lingering over their now naked frames.

Lena lay back on the bed and watched as Kara pleasured her core over and over again bringing her to finish multiple times. Kara kissed back up Lena's body before capturing Lena's lips with her own. Lena took this opportunity to flip them so she could show Kara just how she felt right now. Kara was helpless as Lena began biting and nipping at her neck leaving love marks as she went. Lena watched as the blonde came undone beneath her as she worshiped the blondes body. Kissing, sucking, biting her way down to the core Lena couldn't get enough of this.

"God LEE!" Kara groaned. "What do you need darling?" Lena asked. "You! Fuck me now!" Kara quipped. "As you wish darling." Lena whispered as she flicked the throbbing bud between Kara's legs. Soon the blonde was whimpering as Lena inserted two fingers deep inside her. Thrusting in and out as Kara came undone around the dark haired woman's fingers. Lena then collapsed beside Kara who quickly pulled her into her arms. "Amazing!" Lena whispered. "Yes you are." Kara replied with a smile. Soon sleep over takes them and the two lovers fall asleep with smiles on their faces.

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