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In the year 2021,after covid-19's lockdown each student's spirit was overwhelmed by the notion of reopening of school and colleges. Mariya and her sister were overjoyed and contacted their friends if they'll attend the  school tomorrow or not. Everyone was busy looking for their belongings and collecting stuffs like their socks, books,  copies, stationary stuff, etc. After completing all those tasks, everyone retired to their respective chambers.

It was the time for 'fajr' prayer both the performed their prayers as soon as they woke up and then they start getting ready for their school. While pinning her uniform dupatta(veil)  Mariya said, "Hey,  Rumi,  it's seems really awkward to again step inside the school. I feel really nervous..... " Rumaisa replied, "Same yaar....
I'm also feeling a little anxious. "

Mariya added, "Rumi...  You know what  your class fellows are jerks. Ask them to keep their distance from me and my friends and especially from Ayesha", she said that along with a smirk on her face. She continued, " Hey..  Dont take it seriously,, I was just kidding...... Ha ha ha ha...... " Her sister replied, "So that was a joke" She laughed, and continued, " And here I thought you are serious.  Well,  you know some of them are truly jerks. Indeed my class is full of stupids. "
Mariya replied in no time, "it's not like that all of them are stupid or whatever, Rumi ots you, who sucks in interacting with people, it's good minding our own businesses but it's also crucial to have connections. "

Rumaisa thought about what Mariya has just said for some seconds and continued, "This is literally true my dear sister, but this world is way too selfish, who knows what will happen tomorrow, the day after..... and the next year,  we just can't tell what's going on inside the head of the other per...... "Suddenly a voice interrupted their conversation. It was their mother. Rubina was a simple, beautiful, mid-aged woman. Her children inherited their good looks from their mother. In her big brown eyes with long-thick lashes there is a deep affection flowing for her daughters. And she's the queen of her eldest son Adnan. She prays for her daughters to have a good fortune unlike hers.

She asked Mariya and Rumaisa to come over the kitchen and have breakfast and added, " It's already getting late 'beta', would you like to get late even after the lockdown???... You should mind your schedule girls. "
Both the girls replied simultaneously, "coming 'Ammi'. "

They reached the kitchen and had their breakfast in a haste manner and Rumaisa went to wake up their brother. This is the very reason why they always got late to school. He always wakes up late. Their brother Adnan, he was  a college student in his second year of BA LL.B,  his dream is to become tgw best lawyer around the country cause of a reason. The reason is that his best friend's father was sentenced for lifetime in accusation of killing a person. Because his friend, Imran belogs to poor family,  couldn't manage to collect the required evidence. So he had to leave Allahabad (Prayagraj)  and went to his  'nanihal'(late mother's  parent's house) in Meerut. Adnan is not allowed to leave Allahabad all the time so it is difficult for him to support his friend.

By the way the girls managed to wake their brother on time and went to school.


However, they somewhat reached the school on time and were walking in the corridor of the main building of the school and Rumaisa's friends had a sight of her and called her there. She bid Mariya a good bye and said, "Assalam walikum sis." and disappeared.  Mariya replied, 'walaikum Assalam' and headed forward.

Mariya  couldn't find her  friends for some time and was walking towards her class. She knew where it is because earlier she confirmed he's class from the school gaurd. While walking towards her class alone the was talking to herself. She said, "Huh..., is it really another first day of school??? Why am I feeling so edgy???. " She continued in a slow voice similar to her earlier tone, "Why am I thinking like this, this is normal, it would first get awkward but after same time we'll all behave like we've been living together since a decade, "

Finally, she found her class and went inside it and the first person her eyes caught was Ayesha Qureshi, her best friend ,with whom  she's been friends since first standard. She quickly ran and hugged her very tightly and after hugging for sometime Ayesha spoke, "Oh, my live....  How can I tell you my feelings, you are my one and only love,  I will not let you go this time and make you mine for ever...., oh my love, my darling.. " They chuckled and Mariya replied while grinning, "My love, if your drama is over, may I put my bag down and have a seat... "

They kept their belongings aside and took their respective seats,  sitting next to each other. Mariya spat these words with lot of affection, "Oh, Allah,  how greatful I am to have a friend like you. It felt like I  was living in hell the past few months, Ayesha how can I tell you that how much I missed you. I have no words to express what I'm feeling right now.... " She sniffed and added, "Oh man,  I'm just so much happy.. "
They hugged each other and Ayesha replied after a pause, "Mariya, I know you can't put them in words, and I can understand your feelings without you speak. "

Hey guys, while I was writing this part I remind my old days when me, myself ,too was very excited to attend school and catch up with my friends after a long time after lockdown.                                            May some of you also get the same feelings as Mariya and Ayesha, by remembering your meeting with your friends after lockdown.

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