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Bell rings..... the teacher entered the class and spoke up with a commanding tone, "Enough, students, now take your seats and listen to me carefully "....

Everyone seated themselves and the teacher continued, " Good morning students.... a very good luck to everyone for class XIth . It might be difficult for you to adjust in this environment with new class fellows, new teachers and advanced subject, as your friends may have changed their schools or choosen different subjects, etc.... By the way I'm your biology teacher, Amina Fatima........I'm telling you to not  take biology easily,the  biology you studied in class IXth or Xth is nothing compared to the biology you're going to study in class XIth. I'm telling you to take the subject seriously. Give time to biology from the beginning of the session or else you'll lost your confidence by the end. I'm actually not only talking about biology there is a need to give time to every subject. If you're of the opinion that chemistry is a piece of paper,  then you need to go and wash your face once again. Chemistry of class IXth and Xth is nothing compared to this..... Talking about physics, even those who are good in maths find difficulties in physics.  Children, kindly, pay attention and give proper time to each subject and regularly revise what you had studied. "After a pause she took a sigh and continued, " Biology, biology, biology.... You think you can memorize the contents at the end and when you sit to do so, you find out that there is a lot of syllabus. Some students think that theyll memorize the smaller parts while some manages to  memorize the whole  roughly. Children these are  your biggest mistakes, from now on don't do this again...... Also I'm not saying that every student is  like that, some students give time, pay attention and revise regularly, so I'm just telling you all  to adapt these habits. By the way, let's keep it aside and give your attendance. "

The teacher adjusted her belongings and started taking attendance, "Roll no.  1,2,3..............Rollno.17, 17...."

Mariya and Ayesha were busy talking to each other. They were this much indulge that they couldn't realised that the teacher is taking attendance, and  they might miss their respective Rollno.....

Again Mrs. Amina shouted, "Rollno. 17 Mariya Sheikh... " her eyes were rolling here and there looking for Mariya, to see whether she's present or absent.

Mariya and Ayesha gor scared as Ayesha has already missed her attendance and then Mariya spoke in a slow voice, "Present ma'am, it's Mariya Sheikh, Rollno.  17..." Amina was looking at Mariya with a pair of eyes filled with anger. After saying the other words Mariya continued, "Excuse me ma'am.., " She replied with an angry face, "speak." Mariya  while pointing her eyes towards Ayesha while standing,said, 'Umm... Ma'am actually  she's Ayesha Qureshi, Rollno.  12..." This statement made the teacher to burst up with anger, she stood up and came near their seats abd said, "Rollno. 12 along with Rollno.  17, get out of my class... right now..... "

Ayesha could hold this statement as it wasn't the first time her getting out of class on a teacher's call, but it was really difficult to engulf for Mariya as she's the top student of her class,  never being punished this far.

Mariya in a slow voice requested to her teacher while brimming, "Ma'am, I'm really sorry, I.. I won't talk in the class from now on,... Please don't make me leave the class... Please ma'am.... "

The teacher shouted again, "You both are talking non-stop since I entered the class and now you're speaking back to me... Just get out of my sight right now... Both.. "

At that moment, the class became a tranquil seashore, not a single student dared to speak at that time, everyone got terrified. And after standing for some time Ayesha and Mariya finally left the class. The teacher made them to stand outside the class for the whole period. Eventually, the bell rang and the teacher left the class. She ordered Ayesha and Mariya to go back to the class. As soon as Mariya took her seat she did nothing but started weeping like a new born.......

Tears rolled down her cheeks, the precious pearls of her eyes got wasted due to such an ignoring mistake. She spoke while crying along with a little stammer, "Aye.. Ayesha, was  that this much big of a deal??? We were only chatting, only talking, were we that much annoying that that unknown teacher sent us outside the class... How???...... I've been never punished this bad...... " While wiping her tears Ayesha replied in a soft voice, "Allah... Mariya please don't cry my love... Please... "She took some time to freshen her mood  and finally managed to cease her tears......

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