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She never said a word about that incident, to neither Ayesha nor Rumaisa. She kept it restricted inside herself. She thought that it was just a misunderstanding and nothing more. She Overthink it. 'But why he's not getting out of my mind since past few days, or may be far more than three weeks??... 'Thought Mariya.

It has been three weeks past since that incident. Quarterly-tests are almost  on their way. Most of the science students study in the school library in their free periods. While at the same time, Basketball tournament will take place the next week.

While Hamza and some other participants were practicing for the tournament, Mariya along with her friends was passing by the corridor of the main building, heading towards the library.

In the way, Mariya who was playfully looking here and there suddenly caught the sights of a familiar boy. A tall, handsome boy with the deepest black pupils, his hair rolling down his forehead, his face dripped with sweat, coming out of hard work, shining, his sleeves folded up to his elbows, his veins visible. That drop-dead moment melted her heart giving it more space to capture his beauty. That beauty made her heart to unrestrict it's limits.

As her eyes were on Hamza, something hit her abruptly, making her fall. It hurt so bad that she couldn't control herself but started weeping.

The students practicing on the school ground came near them. They took a while to process the circumstances, and finally  understood that the ball hit a girl, made her cry while the other girls are soothing her.Looking at the culprit of her best friend Ayesha groaned, "Ibrahim... Are you blind??.. Why is it you of all the people??.... Did you hit her purposely??... "

The guy who hit the ball replied  with a smirk on his face, " Ohh, come on... Ayesha... Why do you think I hit her purposely??... " His words made her groan again, "Because you're some jerk who belongs to nowhere.... Just don't make me say something that both me and you regret later.... Just apologize to her and fly from here.... "
"Only in one case... Just talk to me for a while, I need to clear out something... " Ibrahim said along with seriousness on his face. While Ayesha replied in a slow voice along with a smirk, "Never in your wildest dreams... "
He spoke instantly, "Then.. Never mind... I'm not going to apologize...an.... " A gentle yet commanding voice interrupted, "Ibrahim... You have to apologize to her.... Or the the practice would be ceased.... " The boy attempted to held Mariya's hands in his grips helping her to stand. He added, while his dark brown eyes looking directly into Mariya's light brown ones, "Are you alright??... Did it hurt you??.. " Mariya wiped her tears and forced her self to  reply , "Umar bhai... This guy is really something... He always tries to hurt us... I got tired of him.. Look he's not apologizing even when it's his fault...."

Umar Ali Sheikh, Mariya's  bare papa's (Father's older brother) younger son. A well-mannered guy, tall with a beautiful face. He was 2 years older than Mariya and was in class XII, studying mathematics, of course because he wants to become a software engineer.

Looking at Ibrahim a sigh escaped his mouth he replied, "Look Mariya.. I know he hit the ball,...but unintentionally... We were practicing together... " After a pause he shifted his eyes on Ibrahim and said, "Ibrahim, I know you didn't do that on purpose... But the ball actually hit her... Just apologize brother... So that we can resume the practice... " Ibrahim replied annoyingly, "Why would I apologize to her... I won't.. " 
"Then I won't be able to join you guys for the practice session either... " Umar said with a harsh voice.

At the very end of their conversation, Hamza who was watching all this drama from the beginning intruded them out of annoyance and ordered,  "Ibrahim apologize to her or you'll gonna regret this... You don't need to think twice since the words escaped from my mouth... All this drama is so frustrating... I don't want to waste my time and delay the practice  anymore...  Ibrahim just apologize to her this instant.. "

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