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Along with the unending thoughts Hamza finally reached his home; had his dinner after got scolded by his father so wretched. And eventually headed to his room to get some sleep.

'But what to say to those bewildering thoughts??... '

The thoughts that had almost engulfed him completedly. Out of all the thoughts and memories his mind ceased at one...couldn't able to forget Or head forward...

'The thought of her smiling at her sister's farewell look.... '

Her escastic smile... Her bewitching smile...

'Hadn't he thought that he had forget about her??... But why?? Why now?? '

Maybe he would never be able to forget that smile of her... Those big round brown eyes of her.... Her haya... Her shynesss... Maybe ....he might forget her name, her existence... But those pretty eyes and bewitching smile are unforgetable.....

'Humaira... No... No... Nooo Hamza... Mind yourself... I'll leave from here... As soon as possible... It has been became harder to survive...' For a while he whispered inside his head, talking to himself...

But that inner whispher change into an outer one, his voice audible to some extent, "Not long ago, I told Ibrahim and Yusuf that they are after some ordinary girls.. And herr... Here me, myself ....I'm falling for another malere girl every single moment.. Is she really an ordinary girl??... Nah.. Man.. She's not.. There's something in her... Something that's driving me like a crazy... '

His eyes has been shut like a closed book ever sinve he started blabbering those words... It has been months passed since a deep slumber knocked athis door...

'But.. But why am I feeling this when she's not near??... I've never liked her... Even on the farewell day... But why now??... Why now when she's not even close to me??... Oh 'God'... I want some solace... But she has stolen it... It feels like she's near... But where??... Am I really in love... With her??... Did... Did I really fell for that child??... No... No Hamza.. You are not.. This feeling is nothing besides attraction... 'Again the audible whisper got imprisoned behind the bars of his head...


Most of the part of the night ,veiled with darkness, he spent in her thoughts and eventually a knock on the door startled Hamza. He consequently opened his eyes and approached toward the door and opened it...

As soon as he opened the door a small figure of a girl was there standing outside his room. An adolscent. A skinny girl  with chubby cheeks, and long thick hair, a little taller than Hamza's shoulders, with a pair of hazel orbs, looking directly into his black ones.

Before she could say anything he opened his mouth and said, "You go... I'll be downstair in ten minutes..."And he promptly closed the door...

And that teenage girl was none other than Hamza's first cousin, his chachu's (father's younger brother) daughter, who was Living in Shah mansion as a part of their family. Her mother already left this duniya(world) while giving birth to her... And her father.. He denied to raise her as in his opinion, his one and only child is the very cause of his beloved wife's death... So for this reason Hamza's mother accepted her as her own child ...and...Alas she does'nt have a daughter...of her own... Aqsa was almost six years younger than Hamza...

After they had their 'suhoor', the family member waited for fajr prayer and eventually offered their prayers and again retired to their respective chambers to get some sleep...

Hey guys hope you like the chapter...

Sorry for a short part cause today i might be busy ... As today my results might come out...

Thanks for reading...

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