chapter 1

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The rain was soothing, as it patterned the floor with puddles. Gun shots could be heard from a ways away, ruining the peace of the forest. The forest came to a close and out of the forest I ran. There were people everywhere! How was I supposed to get around! I heard footsteps behind me so I made the rushed decision to go right.

“Over th- she turned right!” I heard one of the guys chasing me yell. “Come on before we lose her!”

I sprinted through the people. I could hear whispers around me, about me, to me, but I didn't care, all I needed was to escape.

After a while I managed to lose them. I fell to my knees, gasping for air. I heard footsteps coming in my direction and panicked. As I was trying to find a spot to hide, I felt cold hands grab my arm.

The guy looked at me with a smile. “Hey, what are you doing out here?” I looked around trying to explain, i couldn't talk. “Cant talk im guessing?” he added with a more worried expression. I nodded. “Oh. Well, come with me, I can help.”


“Ok so, you should be able to talk now, but please only use it when needed, i don't want you to strain your throat.” the stranger said. He had explained how he was a new member of the L.O.V. and was trying to gain some respect. He also explained that he had no quirk. I'm guessing that's one reason for the lack of respect. “My name is Koro! Do you have one?” I shook my head. “Oh. Well then I'll name you! How about… yashima kenkichi?” 

I smiled and nodded excitedly. “Thank you!” and then he sent me off. Somehow I managed to get into a school.

When I got there, the students were throwing crumpled paper around, standing on desks, and just yelling at each other. I walked in nervously.

“SIT DOWN!” yelled the teacher. “WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT AND WE NEED TO SHOW SOME RESPECT!” I stopped next to the teacher and she smiled. “I'm Ms. Kay. Come on, introduce yourself.”

“I-im y-yashima kenkichi” I said nervously. Ms. Kay gave me a signal to continue. “I got my vocal cords ripped out once…” 

The students stared in shock, and one student asked, “then how are you talking, and who did it?”

“They were ripped out by my dad right before I ran away, and my adopted dad fixed me and gave me a home.” I said. Everyone continued to stare in shock, but now mixed with worry.

“O-ok, you can sit down now.” the teacher said nervously. I went to a vacant seat in the left corner of the room.


I sighed and got onto the bus. I knew Koro would be out late for his ‘missions’, so I had to go home by myself. The student with the healing quirk sat next to me. I looked at him in confusion, and he smiled.

“Im Tengen Rai, nice to meet you!” he said, and before i could say anything, he punched me! “Actually, I've decided. I don't like you.” he smirked. I looked up at him, as I tried not to cry. He started laughing, that was the part that shattered my last piece of control. 

While he was laughing, I grabbed him by the face, pulled him to the other side of me, and slammed him into the window. He let out a muffled scream and tried to kick me. I pushed him back into his seat and sat down. I looked out the window and realized I was back home.

As I was getting up, I looked at him, my expression was calm, and I gave him a small smile. “Nice to meet you too.” I said and walked off the bus. 

I walked inside of the house, and Koro came from his room and walked over to me. “Sorry I kinda got home a little early.” he paused and noticed my eyes, red from crying. “Are you ok?? What happened??”

“I-im f-fine. J-just, someone p-punched m-m-me, so i-i p-punched them b-back." I stuttered. He looked at me with a mix of sadness and pride.

“Well at least you got him back, right?”


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