chapter 13

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I had cried for about an hour before I finally decided to leave. I stepped outside into the waiting room. There was only one person there.

She was sitting in a chair in the waiting room with one little boy in her arms and another sitting in a chair to the right of her. I decided to sit down in a chair next to her. I sat down and just thought about a few things that have happened. I was very distraught about everything that had happened. The girl looked up from her phone and looked at me “oh um hi,” she said in a nice tone a voice with a smile. 

“Oh…um hi,” I replied, trying to be nice. 

“You might not know me but I am Senshi,” The girl said with a smile. 

“Mhm… wait” I look at her. “You say what now?!?”

“Yeah I am Senshi. The wolf you saw and named Shenshi is me. that is my quirk, I can turn into a wolf,” She said with a smile. 

“wow!” I said, realizing that the girl next to me was Shenshi. 

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Yashima,” she said apologetically. “These are my brothers. the one I am holding in my arms in Mio. he is 5 and the one sitting next to me is Akio. He is 12. I am here because my parents got injured when they were fighting Nomu and my baby sister is in that hospital room right there,” she pointed to a nearby hospital room. 

“Oh no! Are they ok?!?” I ask, very worried.

“Yes they are doing okay and my baby sister Aimi was barely hurt. She was with my parents when they were fighting the Nomu but she is just going through a check up then she will be okay,” Shenshi said with a smile.

“Well I'm glad they're ok,”  I say with a sad smile. “My dad just died a little while ago.” I finished, looking down.

Well you should still have hope, okay he might make it,” she said trying to cheer me up. 

A doctor came out of Aimi’s hospital room carrying Aimi. “She is just fine, she was barely injured at all,” The doctor Handed Aimi to me. 

“Thank you," Shenshi said as she held Aimi in her arms along with Mio. 

“We should probably get going.” I say to rai. “We need to be getting home.” I added to Senshi. 

“Who is that!?” Shenshi said a little worried and a little protective.

I sat there blankly. “Uhm, i'm not sure. We had this massive rivalry thing but now we are over it.” I say then look at Rai. “Would you say we would be friends now?”

“Ok!” he replied, maybe a little too excitedly.

“Oh um okay.” Senshi said. Shenshi woke up Mio from sleeping in her arms and put him on the ground and got Akio up from his chair and Akio held Shenshi’s hand. Mio woke up and started to smile and he held Akio’s hand. 

“I'll see you guys later then!” I say with a smile as me and Rai step outside. Just then i saw something.

The town had been destroyed

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