chapter 9

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I look around wondering what I'm going to do. I look at Senshi and it looks down at its wound, which was mostly healed. I knew what it wanted. Senshi ran off as the teachers ran in.

“Yashima! What are you doing out here?” Present Mic asked. “We thought you died too!”

They found the body. Guess I'll have to make up a lie. “Someone DIED?!? I didn't know that! I just started to walk home but I went the wrong way and got lost!”

“How do you get lost going to your own house?” Aizawa asked, irritation mixed with his monotonous voice.

“I don't really know to be honest.'' I say, looking down to make it seem more real. Present Mic and Aizawa look at each other then back at me.

“Well, let's go back!” Present Mic yelled.


I ran off from Yashima when I heard some people yelling. I want to thank her sometime for helping me but I can't. I have to go home. I walked into a dark spot of the cave and transformed into my human form. I now was a girl with gray hair, green eyes, a gray t-shirt, a skirt, and a black hoodie over my t-shirt. 

I started to walk back to the city so I could go home. I felt really stupid for letting myself get hurt by a hunter. I noticed I still had my wolf ears. I pulled the hood of my black hoodie over my head continuing to walk home. I managed to get home and unlocked the house with the key I had in my hoodie pocket. 

When I walked inside of the house, my 5-year-old little brother immediately ran up to me and hugged me. It hurt slightly when he hugged me because of my wound but I hid it with a forced smile. “Luna, I am so glad you came home,” he said, ecstatic that I came home.

“Do you know where mom and dad are Mio,” I asked, taking my hood off of my head. I had calmed down so my wolf ears were gone. 

“They went out to get food but Akio is watching me,” He said with a bright smile on his face. Akio is our brother who is 12, and I am 13. I have an older sister but she left when I was 9 her name was Emi, she is probably 15 now. 

“I am guessing that mom and dad took Aimi with them,” I asked Mio. 

“Yeah they did,” Mio said “but it's fine I have been watching tv with Akio,” he said he was very happy. 

I walked into the living room and saw Akio asleep on the couch. I smiled then grabbed a blanket and draped it over him. “Come on Mio, let's get you to bed,” I said. I put Mio to bed and started to watch tv on the couch. I brought Akio to his own bed.

I glanced at the time on my phone and the time was 10:35 pm. That’s weird, mom and dad should have been home hours ago. I thought to myself I then heard a knock on the door that snapped me out of thought. I got up off the couch and answered the door. “Hello,” I said as I opened the door I saw a pro hero, Eraserhead. My parents were pro heroes so they sometimes went on missions. “Is something wrong?” I asked Eraserhead 

“Your parents are in the hospital,” he stated in a monotone voice.

“They got attacked by a group of nomus.”

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