chapter 8

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Clearly the staff didn't think, I was sent to class immediately, as though it wasn't possible for something to have happened. I walked into class and saw the students there. I went to my seat as everyone stared. Not much happened that day, until.


Everyone had left except me and rai, who was clearly still in school. I got up and walked over to him.

He looked at me confused. "Hello?" he asked. Then he saw the rage behind my calm face. "Look, I said I'm sorry and I mean it. What more do you want from me? I know I can't take back what I did but I'm trying to at least help."

He gulped as I looked him dead in the eyes. Just then, because of my heat quirk, I started smoking, setting the alarms off. Rai was about to get up and run but I grabbed him by the face.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH-" he started to scream but was cut off as my burning hands held on tighter, causing him to set aflame and burn to a crisp. I heard footsteps coming closer, probably to find the cause of the 'fire'. I panicked and jumped out the window, sprinting towards nothing in particular.


I don't know how long I had run for, but I wasn't anywhere near civilization. I found a cave on the side of a mountain and ran in. I heard the sound of dripping water as I wandered through the strange biome.

The walls were gray and so were the rocks. There was no dirt, only stone. Just then i saw a claw mark on a rock at the side of the cave. I heard a strange sound, as though something was hurt.

As I made my way over there, I sped up, eventually making it to a sprint before I got to the howling beast.

The beast in the middle was like a werewolf of something, but it had gray, fluffy feather wings. The gray furred creature looked at me wearily. I saw it had a knife dug deep into its side!

I slowly made my way over there and cautiously sat next to it. "I'm going to help you, ok?" I whispered kindly. It looked away with an approving nod. I grab a bandage that I thankfully brought. carefully and gently, i put my hands on the knife and the creature.

"I'm gonna count to 3, ok?" I asked, it nodded. "1. 2. 3!" I pull the knife out on three and carefully wrap the bandage around its wound. It let out a whimper and looked at me. "Are you ok now?" I ask. It nods. "Can you walk?" I ask, backing up to give it room. It stood up and gave me a smile.


I had managed to help the Eklipse Monsuno, which is what I called it, and get it on my side. It wasn't hard sense I had taken the time to help it.

Just then I realized it needed a name! I walk over to the Eklipse Monsuno. "Hey, you wanna name?" I ask. It looked at me, smiled and nodded excitedly. "What do you want?" it was pretty smart so i could ask, though it shrugged so i had to make a suggestion. "How is Senshi?" it yelped in happiness. I'll take that as a yes.


I was playing around with Senshi when I heard some voices. Voices that were way too familiar.

The voices of the UA teachers.

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