chapter 7

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I was stunned that the man in front of me was All for One. I couldn't believe it. I was also very scared. “So you're Koro’s kid I presume?” he asked. It sent a chill down my spine when he spoke. I was extremely scared. I nodded slowly and anxiously. He then stabbed me with a big needle. I let out a faint yelp as all my memories started to vanish.

Koro, gone.

My old dad, gone.

My new friends, gone.

And finally, me, gone.


I woke up in a cellar. I remembered faint details of some abuse, but whatever medication AFO gave me wore off and I could remember some things. At this point though, I felt no energy and no motivation to continue fighting back. AFO came in and lifted the chair I was tied to. I just sat there.

We finally got to this strange area, an open area in the abandoned part of town. He put me down and put some kind of tracker on me. Once the tracker was on, he left. I had my head down and I was lost in my thoughts.

I heard some voices but for the most part I ignored them. I was done with this.

“YASHIMA! YASHIMA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!” I heard someone yell. It sounded like Koro, yet, why should I care? I know I shouldn't have trusted the villains, but they told me he wouldn't come save me, he didn't.

He came up to me with a few pro heroes around. I didn't look up. “G-g-go, a-aw-away.” I breathe, barely.

“What happened!?!?” he asked frantically. I kept my head down. I don't wanna look at him. “YASHIMA!”

“I-i d-do-nt re-remem-remember.” I stutter. I dont wanna talk either. “I-im a-a mo-mon-ster…”

“Well, you're coming with us anyway!” Koro stated.


AFO had gotten a sample of me to find out my quirk sense i ‘wanted to hide it’. Honestly though, I probably would have hid it if he wasn't an overpowered villain and I actually knew my quirk. He was looking at something I couldn't tell what it was. 

“Oh?” he questioned eerily. “Guess I don't need to do much.” He turned around to face me. I saw the thing he was looking at and my eyes widened.

“You already have a few tricks.”

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