chapter 12

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“no… NO! KORO WAS IN THERE” I scream. “COME ON!” I then ran off to the building.

“Wha-huh?” Rai questioned. “WAIT UP!” He then followed me.

We got inside only to be greeted by dust and rock on the ground. I ran to the area Koro was confined in, Rai followed. 

When I got to the room, I saw nothing, just a pile of rocks and dust. I ran around digging in the rocks till I found him. A half alive corpse, buried under the rock. “KORO!” I sob. He barely was able to look at me.

“I don't… think I'll… survive. I just have one… little… request.” He spoke, sounding broken and like he was going to pass out any moment. He let out a feeble cough and continued, “from now on… whenever you… talk about… me, call me… dad.” He smiled weakly. “Can you do… that…?” 

“Yes! Yes I will! B-but you won't die! You can't die!” I sob. How could this happen? He does sound horrible, but he won't die! Rai ran over and sat down beside me.

“I will try to heal you. I know how important you are to yashima.” He said calmly, putting his hands gently on Koro's chest.

A soft green aura lit the area of the dark room Rai sat there with his eyes closed. I stepped back and let Rai do his thing, but I couldn't lie, I was worried. Every quirk had its limits. 

Rai turned to me with a sad glance. “I was only able to heal his lungs, I'm sorry.”

“But he won't die right?” I ask frantically and worriedly. 

“I'm not sure. But we should get him to a hospital.” He replied, trying to sound calm though his voice betrayed him as a very noticeable crack broke into it.

“Yes, yes, let's do that!” I agree. As me and Rai carefully pull Koro from the rocks and carry him out, I pull out my phone and call the ambulance.

When we got outside, the ambulance was already there. They took him inside and let us ride with my adopted father.


The doctor came out of the room koro was in and let out a sigh. “Good news, he's alive. Bad news, he might die anyway. He's in a lot of pain too.”

“Well let me SEE HIM!” I yelled angrily, though the cause of it was very noticeable. Grief. I couldn't just accept that my adopted father may die at any time.

“In 3 hours you can. But for now, you shou-”

“DOCTOR 1! GET IN HERE NOW” I heard another doctor from Koro’s room yell. The doctor who was talking to us ran off immediately. 


After an hour, the doctor let us in, though the air was filled with Negative vibes. We walked in and I regretted it immediately.

Koro was dead in a pool of blood. 

His organs had blown up.

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