chapter 10

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I was walking home. Aizawa had told me to go home because he needed to do something. I had my hands in my yellow highlighter hoodie. Wearing it probably wasn't the best idea because the next thing I realized was a nomu carrying me by the hood. It threw me against a building.

I gasped and spit out blood. I let out a low growl and realized, I had to fight this thing, even if it kills me.

The nomu came at me with incredible speed. I just barely jumped out of the way. I then remembered what I saw at the LOV base. I landed on the ground and took a deep breath.

The nomu ran towards me again but I launched myself unsteadily into the air. The nomu copied me and punched me back to the ground. I landed with a crash. That made me mad and I lost control of myself.

I teleported behind the nomu and punched it hard. It fell face first into the ground but got up and healed. I let out a growl and launched myself towards the nomu, grabbing its head and throwing it in the air. I threw a fireball at it and raised my hand. I flip my palm the other way, causing the ground to flip. Everyone around flew into the air, including me.

I flipped my hand back and forth so the world shook. While the nomu was trying to get back to me, I teleported behind it, grabbing it, and blowing it up.

I flipped the world back upright only to be surrounded by way more nomus. How would I win this fight! I looked around for an exit. Just then i felt hands pick me up, rai had grabbed me and was carrying me to safety.

“Rai?!? You're alive?!?” I gasped. He nodded but kept a serious face on. “I'm so sorry! I-i shouldn't have done what i did. If you tell someone, i won't judge y-”

“Stop, I understand what rage can do to a person.” he interrupted me. “And I should be the sorry one. It's my fault you were furious.” he took a deep breath and slowed down. Then he gave me an apologetic glance. “I'm sorry and I hope you will forgive me!” he begged, falling to his knees as he started to sob.

I looked at him. I didn't really know what to do when someone was upset but I was going to at least try. I kneeled down and hugged him. “I forgive you.” I whispered. It was at that moment he broke down into tears and hugged me back.

After a few minutes, he finally calmed down and let go of me. We stood up and looked around. There were a few fires and injured people. “Can you help the people?” I ask. “I can try to help with the nearby fires.” he nodded and ran to a group of injured people. I tried and successfully managed to get rid of the fires with water. 

We also got the nearby people to safety and we ran back to UA. I wasn't ready for what I saw when I got there though.

The school had been destroyed!

My Neverending Rage (Mha) ⚠️On Pause⚠️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora