chapter 2

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School was boring for the next few months. Nothing really important happened. Well, Rai kept being a jerk and bullied me, but it was not a problem. I've been through worse.

On the last day of school, I walked into class. The teacher stepped into the class. “Ok kids, I just want to let you know that if you all want, you can sign up for UA, but I'm just letting you know.” she announced. Everyone started cheering, except me. I wanted to go but it was nowhere near possible.

another student raised their hand. “Where do we sign up?” 

I couldn't hear the rest, I was too lost in my thoughts. Could I join? Probably not. But what if I could? I watched the teacher walk out of the room. Rai walked up to me with a smirk.

“You, me, after school, park.” he listed. I could tell he wanted something from me whether it was a reaction, a chat, or something else. I nervously nodded so he walked away.


It was after school, which was normal as always. I walked to the park to see Rai. he was sitting on a bench. The murderous intent gleaming in his eyes was spine-chilling. I finally reached the bench he was sitting at and he stood.

“Tell anyone and I'll kill you.” he warned as he put his hand on my shoulder. I was about to respond when he punched me, his hand went right through my torso. I gasped and coughed up blood, but before I had the chance to die, Rai healed me using his quirk.

That went on for about an hour, Rai landing a fatal blow, then healing me before death. I started crying and trying to escape, and finally he let me go. “Remember not to tell!” He reminded me as I ran.

The trip home was brutal. I could still feel all the damage done to me. My left leg went numb, and so did my right arm. I had barely visible scars across my whole body. I was slouched over in exhaustion and embarrassment.

I was greeted home with an unusual sight; a stranger talking to koro. I slowly walked in and cautiously put my backpack on the hanger.

“I see this is your ‘child’?” asked the stranger using air quotes on the ‘child’ part.

“Yes she is, Yashima, come say hi!” koro said with a proud smile. I walked over and sat on the couch next to Koro, across from the stranger.

“H-h-h-i” i choked, still affected from Rai’s abuse. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Hi.” 

Koro looked at me with a confused expression. Then decided against asking. “Well this is Shigaraki. Tomura Shigaraki.” koro announced, pointing to the other person. His name sounded familiar, I just didn't know where.

Shigaraki had a strange appearance. Light blue hair at different lengths by his shoulders and over his face, blood red eyes, and a crusty looking face.

I pointed at shigaraki and looked at koro. “Crusty boi.” I announce. Shigaraki looked offended and mad, but was clearly trying not to lash out. Instead, he started tearing at his neck, which looked in bad shape before then.

“Dont, say that please.” Koro warned softly. I nodded and sent an apologetic glance at shigaraki.

“I'm sorry…” I mumble just loud enough for them to hear. 


It is the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, I was too worried. Apparently, Shigaraki was at the house to help koro set me up as a recommendation, though I don't know what that is, for UA. They said something about it but I wasn't listening. Maybe my luck will increase from now on…

But only maybe…

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