chapter 3

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My eyes fluttered open. I was in my room, but it was dark. There was no light because I don't have any sort of night light. I slowly sat up in my bed and looked around. I could see the outline of the things in my room. I stood up and walked quietly out of my room. As I reached upstairs, I heard someone clear their throat. I turn around with fear filled eyes.

“What are you doing up here? I told you, you can't come upstairs before 8!” koro whispered harshly.

I gulped. “I-i needed a… a drink!” He glared at me harshly, his eyes telling me he knew I was lying. “Ughhh, i couldn't sleep.” I finally admit.

He gave me a nod. “30 minutes tops.” and then he turned and went back to bed. I sighed and turned around.

About 10 minutes later, I heard a sound. The sound of cracking. I look over to the door and see a crack slowly forming on it. I look out the window that was next to it, but as soon as I reach the window, I feel a giant fist connect with my face. I fell backwards, my head slammed into the floor. I let out a muffled yelp as strangers started barging into the room. One grabbed me by the face with his giant hand, and lifted me off the floor.

“Come on!’ I hear a booming voice. “We need to get what we came for and get out!” I wiggled my feet around, as I tried to escape his grasp. He put me down and glared at me. “Maybe this is it…”

“The girl?” another one asked, as he walked towards us from behind me. “HA! Not likely.” he chuckled. He put his finger by my face in an attempt to touch my nose. I bit him and he screamed as blood dribbled from his finger. The blood wasn't the worst thing I've ever tasted. I let go of him and glared as he ran out the building.

The other guy looked at me. He smirked and grabbed me by the face and ran out the house too. As he ran, my stress levels went way up. I felt him let go of me with a yell. I looked at him as he blew on his hand as if his hand was on fire. He looked at me with genuine fear and ran.

I saw Koro run from the house and he saw me. He came up to me and reached his hand out, but drew it back when he saw me crying and the grass burning. “Hey.” he looked at me with sympathy. “What happened?”

“I-i don't know anymore…” I whimper. He nodded and led me back home.


I saw some mysterious figures. I was so confused. One of the figures was taller than me, the other was shorter. We were walking in a strangely familiar driveway. We were walking to some cars and stopped next to a black BMW. The two strange figures stepped into the vehicle so I hesitantly followed.

The shorter one looked around. “Where is {_____}?!?” it asked. I couldn't hear the name so I was even more confused. Just then another dark figure ran out of the building we were next to.

“Sorry mom!” said the figure. It sat in the seat next to me and the vehicle started moving.

Soon we reached another house. This one also looked familiar, but again, I didn't know where. We went into the house, it was nice. Clean and nicely set up. Two more figures came and said hi.

“Hey {_____}, let's go watch some of My Hero Academia!” said the figure that looked a little younger than me. I agreed and we went downstairs. It turned on the TV and turned on this animated show that ALSO looked familiar!

I remember watching with curiosity, when I saw someone, someone I knew all too well….

Last thing I saw on the TV was shigaraki, before I woke up in my room.

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