chapter 11

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 The tests I saw were not expected. The tests had multiple different quirks in multiple different areas. Are they all my quirks? I didn't want to believe it, those quirks had to be someone else's, right? 

Clearly though, All For One was also surprised. He let me out of the chair and brought me to another room. This was where i had to deal with torture.


My parents were in the hospital. “Are they okay?” I asked Aizawa/Eraserhead. 

He looked at me “Yes they are recovering right now,” he replied trying to give me some hope. 

“Can you stay here for a minute,” I asked Aizawa. 

“Yes,” He replied, a little curious about what I was about to do. I ran to Mio’s room and woke him up. Then I ran to Akio’s room and woke him up. I made them both get their shoes on and I got them down stairs.

I looked at Aizawa and asked, “can you take us to the hospital,” I asked. Aizawa nodded and started to walk to the hospital. I got Mio and Akio out of the house and locked the house and followed Aizawa to the hospital. As we walked I held Akio and Mio’s hands. I told Akio what happened to mom and dad. He usually didn’t show any emotion. I hugged him and walked with him. I picked up Mio and he fell asleep in my arms. I didn’t tell Mio what happened. 

A little bit later we arrived at the hospital with Aizawa. We walked into the hospital and went into mom and dad’s hospital room. They were both unconscious in the hospital room. If Mio wasn’t asleep he probably would have started to ask a million questions. All Akio could do was cry. I looked at Aizawa and walked out of the hospital room with Aizawa and Akio with Mio still in my arms. I walked to the waiting room with Aizawa and Akio. I let Akio sit in a chair and sat down Mio in a chair to be very careful not to wake Mio up. I looked at Aizawa. “Who did that to my parents!?” I asked very furiously. I was holding back anger and tears.

“They were fighting a villain and they got hurt in the process.” he said in his monotone voice. I then remembered Aimi.

“Aizawa what happened to Aimi!!!” I said I was extremely worried. 

“Calm down Luna, she is okay, the doctors are just giving her a check up and then she will be okay.” he said, reassuring me that Aimi was okay. I picked up Mio again and woke him up a little bit. He mumbled something half awake half asleep then fell back to sleep in my arms. 

“Do you know where Aimi’s room is in this hospital?”. He nodded and told me what room she was in.

“I need to leave now, bye Luna,” He walked out of the hospital. I watched him leave the hospital then looked at Akio. “Akio,” I said in a calm voice 

“y-y-yeah?” he said, wiping tears away from his eyes. 

“We are going to see Aimi,” I said with a smile. He immediately got up from the chair and got up and held my hand. I walked to the room Aizawa said Aimi was in. There was a doctor in the room and Aimi was in a little incubator. 

The doctor looked at me “Who are you!?” he asked me. 

“I am Luna, I am Aimi’s sister,” I said calmly.

“Oh okay then,” he calmed down when he realized I was related to Aimi. “I have to do one last check up in her then she can leave the hospital,” he stated to me “Okay thank you,” I walked out of the hospital and then sat down in the waiting room and let Akio sit next to me. I was still holding Mio in my arms. I turned on my phone and watched the new there were Nomu everywhere on the News.

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