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This party was way too loud and way too packed for me to contemplate escaping

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This party was way too loud and way too packed for me to contemplate escaping. There was just one door leading to the driveway which would lead me back to my freedom, but keeping in mind the boa like grip Emily had on me, my slim chances of escaping had been reduced to none.

After spending a good two hours at my place, we had finally reached Drew's house. It was completely packed, leaving me in hell with my obsessive need for personal space. Against Emily wishes, I had settled on wearing an over-sized grey plaid shirt over my black tank top and pulling a pair of acid washed black jeans and my trusty pair of washed up converse. She had opted for a more approachable look, with a tight red dress and black stilettos. How she could wake in those was beyond me.

"I'm going to get us some drinks, don't leave," Emily looked at me with a hard stare before walking towards the massive kitchen, greeting a couple of people who were already drunk out of their minds.

Now I could listen to her and wait here for her to get me drinks, or I could leave her and find an empty room which would help me spend this night away from these loud teenagers.

After successfully managing to reach the staircase, awkwardly avoiding the grinding bodies and sweaty people going at it on the dance floor, I bumped into Charlie.

But he wasn't alone.

He had his arms wrapped around a blonde from the dance troupe, and he completely dwarfed her with his body, pushing her further up against the wall every time he kissed her fervently.

Now Charlie always told me he supported my views on high school parties. He hated them with a burning passion and while neither of us were against hooking up with a stranger at a party, he always said that people who went to the same school as us were a risky bet.

So imagine my surprise when I saw him, with her, going against everything he ever said.

I decided not to confront him and side stepped him, going up the stairs and away from him.

It slightly hurt that he hadn't realized I was there. I mean I get that he was trying to score with her, I do, but I thought that he would at least acknowledge my presence.

Come to think of it, he never told me he was going to be there and I'm pretty sure he hadn't told Emily either.

But whatever. If he wanted to be alone, it was his choice. I wasn't going to badger him and get all up in his personal life.

After opening some doors to rooms with people with their clothes on the floor or people snorting lines with each other, I finally entered a room with nobody in it. The bass still thumped against the wall but it was slightly muted and the open window allowed the fresh September air in, which was a welcome change from the atmosphere downstairs.

The room had minimal furniture, nothing except the absolute necessities which made me think this was one of Drew's guestrooms.

I went and laid down on the comfortable bed, slowly letting my eyes close and letting much needed sleep take over me.


"Shit, she's asleep."

My amazing dream including Zac Efron and some whipped cream was interrupted when I heard a voice near me.

Voice which sounded drunk.

Voice which sounded incredibly like it belonged to the student from Hell.

But I'm being positive so I slightly stirred, hoping to send the stranger away.

"Psst, wake up."

I groaned and rolled over, bringing the comforter over my eyes.

It was ripped away from me and I felt someone poke my cheeks repeatedly.

"I know you're awake."

I sighed, giving up and opening my eyes to confirm what I had initially thought. Zac's brown hair turned darker and his eyes turned blue as I came to face to face with the devil himself.

"Ash, what the fuck!" I exclaimed, hoping to sound a menacing as I could.

"This is the only room where nobody is naked and I need a place to crash,"

"Then go back home, you moron," I sighed, wanting to get back to my dream.

"My designated driver is stoned as fuck and is probably screwing some chick on the dance floor and while I have amazing alcohol tolerance I refuse to fucking drive like this," he gestured to himself, which brought my attention to the little features I'd missed.

His pupils were dilated and he was struggling to stand up straight. With his close proximity, I could smell his breath, which was laced with the stench of alcohol and mint.

"God, take the floor or something," I said, pulling the comforter up to my chin again.

"You're serious?" he looked at me incredulously.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" I asked, with the straightest face I could, with sleep clouding my features.

He grumbled something under his breath before stealing some pillows from under my head and laying down on the floor next to me.

After listening to him toss and turn for a couple of minutes I finally decided to ignore his fidgeting and go back to sleep.

Just when I was going to drift back to sleep he whispered, again, "I can't sleep."

I swear to God...

"I don't give a fuck. Stop being an annoying little bitch and let me sleep," I whispered back.

"No seriously, please."

"God, are you always this fucking annoying when you're drunk?"

He pretended to be thinking before smirking, "Pretty much."

I decided to ignore him and his incessant humming after that, but it turned out to be impossible after he started humming loudly, occasionally tapping his fingers against the wooden floor.

"Holy fuck, stop," I growled at him.

"Oh, feisty," he laughed before sobering up, "I can't fall asleep and unless we get me to fall asleep, you're going to have to listen to me hum off-tune."

"You know what, fine. I'll bite, what do you want me to do?"

"Well you could tire me out..." he trailed off suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows for added effect.

I shot him the harshest glare I could manage, attempting to snuggle back into a comfortable position when he spoke again, "Okay no wait seriously, I can't sleep. This is serious."

"I'm not having sex with you, Ash."

"Your loss, but that still doesn't solve my sleeping problem."

"What the fuck do you want me to do, Ash?" If this boy wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't be able to sleep either and I take my sleep way too seriously for that to happen.

"Sing me a lullaby..."


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