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I woke up, wrapped in my plush comforter as I struggled to remember how I got there

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I woke up, wrapped in my plush comforter as I struggled to remember how I got there. All I remembered was falling asleep on the roof of the building after I sold my soul to the devil child.

Great decision, as is obvious.

I rolled over to check the time on my alarm clock and it read 7:40 a.m.

Guess who was late for school again?

I rushed to my closet and pulled out the first shirt and leggings I saw, pulling them on while simultaneously trying to tame my hair, ultimately throwing a grey beanie over the uncooperative mess of curls.

I ran to the door, grabbing my car keys on the way out and driving (read: speeding) to school.

8:13 a.m.

13 minutes late, not bad.

Now I could go to first hour and risk getting detention for being 13 minutes late or skip and not get detention at all.

I walked to the field, avoiding the soccer team practicing for their upcoming match and went and sat on the bleachers, plugging my headphones in and zipping up my jacket to avoid the February chill. I decided to finishing my English homework which wasn't due till Thursday but hey, less work tomorrow evening.

Halfway through my assignment, somebody tapped me on my shoulder and I pulled an earbud out before looking up to find Phoebe, the co captain of the cheer squad, grinning at me. Her team was practicing a few feet away so I wondered what she was doing here.

"Hey Alexis," she grinned, before sitting down beside me and taking a sip from her water bottle.

"Um, hi?"

"What are you up to?" She was way too cheery for a Tuesday morning.

"Oh just completing this assignment," I shrugged, closing my binder and looking at her.

"Oh well, hey there's this party at my place this Friday, so you should like, totally come and get your friends too."

"Definitely, yeah," I smiled at her.

She smiled one last time before jogging to her team and practicing with them.

I decided to leave and head to my next class since it was nearly 9 and I didn't want to miss it too. I headed to Spanish and took a seat next to the window, waiting for Emily to show up since we shared this class.

"I feel like we haven't talked since ages," Emily said as she sat down in the empty seat beside me.

"We literally talked this Friday," I grinned at her over exaggerated words.

"But still, we're best friends, I'm supposed to know what you do all the time."

"No I think that's what you call a stalker, and not a best friend."

"But darling, I'm your number one fan," she said, imitating the creepy Carrie voice.

Our Spanish teacher walked in, effectively cutting off all conversation and starting the lesson. I was writing the notes given to us when a piece of paper hit my desk.

'Also, Phoebe has a party on Friday, you're coming right?'


"Taking that as a yes, can't back out now.'

I grinned, shooting her a weird look before crumpling the paper and shoving it in my backpack.


It was around ten in the night when my phone buzzed on my bedside table.

Ashton: When are you gonna get here?

Fuck, the deal.

Alexis: Um, give me 10.

He replied almost immediately.

Ashton: It's late, I'll come pick you up.

Exactly 20 minutes later, my phone buzzed again.

Ashtom: I'm in your driveway.

"Goodnight mum, goodnight dad," I yelled, ignoring their faint replies as I locked my door and used the window to climb down, letting it stay open because I'd need it when I'd return later.

I spotted Ashton's bike in front of my house, getting on it before he sped away.


"Your room's in a surprisingly better condition since the last time I was here," I commented, ignoring his huff as he pulled his shirt off.

I was too distracted by his glorious body to notice that he had unbuckled his belt and that his skinny jeans were halfway down his legs.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing?" I whispered, careful not to wake Danny up who was sleeping in the next room.

"I sleep without clothes on. I get hot at night," he smirked, continuing to pull his pants down.

You're hot all the time.

"Huh?" he cocked an eyebrow at me, sending me an amused glance.

I said that out loud, didn't I?

"Oh, nothing. But if you want me to sleep beside you, you're gonna need clothes."

"Why? Afraid you wouldn't be able to resist me?"

Yes. "No, put on some clothes, fuckboy."

He grinned before putting on grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips.

He's taking the fuckboy comment very seriously, I see.

"Better?" he sighed, before getting under the covers, signalling me to do the same.

"Much," I smiled back, awkwardly getting in beside him, completely unprepared for the arm he threw around me to pull me closer.

"Whoa –"

"Shut up, I like to cuddle," he said, his voice muffled by my stiff shoulder that he was nuzzling his head in.

I huffed before turning so that his entire body engulfed mine before quietly humming the familiar tune, watching (in the least creepy way possible) the crease between his eyebrows slowly fade, and his tense muscles relax.

Once I was sure he had fallen asleep, I set the alarm for 6:00 before going back to my original position beside him because it was impossible to move in his vice like grip, much less actually make it out of the bed.

And after a few moments, all I saw was black. 


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