The Island

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The vast fog floated above the long non stop water of river. The sun was still above in the sky towering above the boat with mages.

Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Happy sat in the boat talking with the old man who used a long stick and dipped it into the water below.

"Please help the good people in my village," the man said again as the boat hit land. Lucy smiled and waved, "we'll try our best!"

The man nodded with a small smile, "good luck."

Erza held the map and was showing Gray and Happy. Lucy looked over the island.

For some reason Natsu really didn't want to ride in the boat so he was going to use his teleportation lacrima to get there faster.

When Lucy went to thank the old man she was shocked to see him gone.

She tilted her head but heard Erza call for her so she continued to follow Erza with the group to the village.

"Let's go."

Lucy watched Erza examine the map of the village as they walked. Gray was searching for his clothes. Happy hovered above them searching for any sighting of Natsu.

"Where the heck are they?!" Gray muttered under his breathe. He spun around looking at nothing but the ground.

"See him?" Lucy hollered to the flying blue cat. Happy gave Lucy a sad look and small shook of his head.

"Hmmm, we're going to charge in there and kill the monsters!" Erza announced.

Lucy's eyes popped out, "Erza! We're not even there! We have no idea what the entire request is. And have you no mercy?" Lucy squeaked.

Gray couldn't hear and Happy gave Lucy an irritated look, "it's the Fairy Tail way."

Erza sweat dropped, "y-yeah? I guess you're accurate. My plan was no help. You should be in charge of the battle plans, Lucy-san."

Lucy smiled and lifted her finger to object when someone else's mouth said it for her, "no."

They were all startled to find Natsu come out of nowhere!

"She can't be. She is to new to the guild. I don't trust her," he glared at Lucy, "I'll be in charge."

Erza glared at Natsu, "N-" Lucy covered Erza's mouth and then said, "yeah! No, totally take over please!"

Natsu looked pretty pleased and then snatched the map from Erza. He took front in their group after that.

Gray, Lucy, and Erza trailed behind him. Happy hovered around them.

"You know, you didn't have to do that. You're pretty capable of being in charge," Gray whispered to Lucy.

Lucy gave him a sad look, "Natsu had an excellent point. I'm still new to the guild. Who can trust me?"

Gray scoffed and glared at Natsu. Natsu seemed like he was struggling on the words. Lucy had memorized the map on the boat ride here so, whenever Natsu made a mistake she corrected him.

Erza didn't memorize it, though. She was pretty useless in this department.

"According to the paper-"

"Map." Lucy corrected.

"According to the map, the village isn't that far!" Natsu said somewhat cheerfully.

Gray nor Erza noticed but Lucy did.

"You seem happy?" Lucy asked smiling at him. He didn't look at her.

"Because I can't wait to never see you again," he said bitterly and when he looked at her, to her, it was like staring Satan in the face. His oynox eyes were pitch black and there were circles of anger under them. His teeth grit together angrily.

"Don't be thinking I'm happy around you, stupid, people," Natsu growled.

Lucy sighed and looked down.

Erza opened her mouth to say something but closed it once she saw that they were indeed at their destination.
The village.

"We're here!" Lucy said.

Natsu scoffed, "doesn't take a genius to reveal the obvious."

Gray grit his teeth at the insult directed to his new friend Lucy, "says the idiot who can't read a map. You need our -genius- new girl to read."

Natsu growled. No it was more like a roar from his throat.

"Stop it!" Erza yelled at the two, "where are they?"

Lucy lifted her index to her chin thinking. Happy automatically flew above the village to see.

"Hey! Box Tailed-Sky! Carry me!" Natsu screamed at Happy. Happy dropped his mouth.

"I've heard blue fuzball, blue cat, cat, Bluesy, Tomcat, Male cat, boy cat, and others but never have I ever heard that one before!" Happy cried.

Natsu rolled his eyes, "You're blue like the thing up there. And your a shape and so is a square. That's that. Now Box Tailed-Sky! Lift me!"

Happy looked around nurvously, "why me?"

"Do you see any other flying cats?" Natsu said.

Happy laughed fakely, "I understand that part. But why can't you?"

"I'm not a flying cat." Natsu stated with irritation.

Happy shook off the uneasiness in his gut and wrapped his tail around Natsu's waist. They flew out of eyesight for Lucy.

Erza said she had a certain perimeter of the area and Lucy had the other.

Gray was elsewhere fighting some white haired dude named Lyon.

"Villagers!" Lucy yelled and turned her head around a tree in search of the people, "where," she heaved out the last part.


Natsu irritatedly glared down at the world. This is the world that Igneel left him with. When Igneel gets back Natsu will definitely cry and hug him but don't forget the punishment!

"There! I see something!" Natsu screamed demandingly. The wind moved his pink hair around and Happy obediently flew the way Natsu demanded him to.

There were people dressed in cloaks?
They circled around something neatly. It was light blue, maybe ice or something.

Happy slowly lowered Natsu toward the ground but it was already to late as the two witnessed the cloaked people's circle blasted a light beam in air at the moon.

It looked like a sacrifice or something.

"Damn! We're to late!" Natsu screamed. He then jumped from Happy's grasp.

"N-Natsu! What's going on?" Happy asked scared.

Natsu didn't look at his blue cat. He grit his teeth out of anger.

"Get everyone off this island, NOW!" Natsu yelled and then sprinted off.

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