Boating and motion sickness

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(Oh, Hayyo! I'm sky 931! I like writing and what am I saying? Lol this is an interesting book, I'm hoping for some nalu action in maybe two more chapters or so.

I didn't count how long it took me to write this. I try to get it written and reviewed quickly. But I try to have lots of detail!

Please ignore my rambling and enjoy the new chapter!)

Natsu clenched his jaw.

His anger was definitely showing from what the blonde said.

It was within seconds that Natsu pinned Lucy against a tree.

He slammed her body against it carelessly. Her back might of cracked.

"Owch!" Lucy hissed.

"THAT hurts? Imagine what I could do! Imagine the pain!" Natsu screamed, "you don't know what the hell your talking about! Being alone! My thoughts were what gave me support! And if you say otherwise, I'll kill you!"

Lucy grit her teeth trying to hide the pain in her back.

Natsu let her go, causing her to fall face forward onto the ground.

"Grrr! Listen buddy I don't know w-" Natsu interrupted Lucy by covering her mouth.

"Shhhh! I want you to leave NOW! get up and run as fast as you can!" Natsu yelled.

Lucy limply stood up. There was a shock of pain that ran through her ankle. It shot up her leg like fire.

"Go!" Natsu screamed. Lucy flinched and charged away at full speed.

Natsu then paced back and forth completely forgetting about the encounter with Lucy.

Lucy on the other hand stopped running. She was going to have Natsu leave with her no matter what!

So she twirled around regretfully on her hurt heal and ran off. She could ignore this pain it was bearable for now.


Natsu had pulled out a transportation lacrima once he heard the boats leave the Island. He felt secretly relieved that everyone would be safe.

He didn't do a head count but assumed everyone was there.

He activated the crystal lacrima just as Lucy burst through the scene, missing Natsu by a hair.

Natsu didn't see Lucy but Lucy watched Natsu disappear.

"W-wait!" She threw herself in that direction but he was already gone.

The ground around her started to boom.

"Crap!" Lucy hissed.

Then she pulled out her key, but was disappointed when she saw that none of her keys would help her in this situation.

Trees around started to fall!

She dodged and ran towards the beach maybe she could get a boat to turn around for her!


Lucy's leg missed the tree branch and she swung herself against the ground. Her back hurt even more!


She tried to get up but her legs shook to much and she had to limp towards the beach.

Unfortunately just as she neared the beach a tree fell directly on her! Crushing her!

"Ahhhh!" She screamed high pitched but wasn't heard. Unless there was someone still on the island.

But who'd have been crazy enough to stay on an island that had to be evacuated?

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