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Natsu and Happy were together because Natsu didn't care at the moment.

Lucy was safe so his mood was determined and firm.

He only ran into small trouble, the trouble of destroying the machine.

Erza fought the toughest member.

Gray got this Juvia chick and Natsu got Aria and defeated them easily.

He's a lot more powerful than most people! (Erza and Laxus have an exception)

"Let's go Natsu!" Happy said cheerfully. Natsu rolled his eyes and ignored the cat.

They had just defeated another person.

"Natsu! Come on! There's only one never we need to defeat!" Gray said to Natsu. He had just run from a match.

"Tsk! Whatever I'll get 'em easy!" Natsu bragged.

Gray rolled his eyes, "whatever, Erza finish it yet?"

Natsu shrugged, "dunno. I'm going to go transport myself to Gajeel."

Gray nodded then was about to walk away when he froze, he then gasped.

Natsu sighed in irritation, "whatever is wrong I probably couldn't care le-"

"Your going to want to know," Gray stated then horror formed in his eyes, "Warren just got information from Reedus."

Natsu nodded gruffly without any hint of care.

Then he remembered, "Reedus? The Reedus with, with Lucy?!"

Gray nodded, "only one Reedus."

Natsu's look of blank became instantly angry, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

Gray froze, "she's gone."

*snap* Aww snap there went Natsu's sanity again.


Lucy woke up to a foot to the stomach.

Gajeel was testing if she was still alive.

So much oxygen was wasted out that she had to cough to revive it. She coughed while clutching her stomach, exactly where Gajeel kicked her.

"Yup she's still alive and kicking!" Gajeel said smirking to their Head mastery Shade.

"Good, Gajeel," he looked at Gajeel, "try not to kill her."

Gajeel snickered, "I'll try but no promises."

Then their master went to go fight Erza.

"So let's see how much fight you have left in ya!" Gajeel laughed then walked over toward Lucy. He grabbed a hand full of her hair and yanked her body up just by that hand full. He threw her across the room at the stone wall like she was nothing but a sack of potatoes.

He laughed, "I think I might've done it!"

Some members glared at Gajeel, "stop it, Master wants her alive!"

Gajeel snickered, "get out of here or I'll do to you what I'm doing to her!"

He ran toward Lucy kicked her stomach while she was still in the ground. Her side slammed into the wall again.

Blood. Blood was in her mouth, she could still taste it. She might've bit her lip.

Gajeel stepped his spikey shoes into her calve and listened to her scream at the top of her lungs.

"AAAAAH!" She screamed.

"Don't worry, you won't be missed when you pass ," Gajeel laughed out again.

Lucy grunted and then her hands clutched her stomach, "I wouldn't do that if I was you!"

Gajeel scowled then snatched up a hand full of her hair again and threw her into the air. She flew through the air and he punched her downward.

Blood splattered onto the ground from her mouth as she coughed.

"Don't talk to be like that!" Gajeel yelled.

"Doesn't matter. Because if you kill me! Fairy Tail or Natsu will get revenge!" She looked at him with a dark smile, "and that's a promise."

Gajeel's temper snapped and he reached his long iron fist at her and smashed her against the ground.

She screamed some more.

He picked it up ready to throw it down longer to stop her from breaking but it turned into flames!

Lucy had her chin flat on the ground, her hands still clutched to her side. Dirt, and blood stained her face. Her blond neat hair was a mess all tore up.

A giant ball of flames erupted and burst from the ground.

Pink hair was in the middle.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Lucy!" Natsu yelled in the flames of anger, he looked at her with a look of regret and true sympathy, "stay the Fuck alive! Got it?"

Lucy scoffed lightly, "easier said than done."

Natsu rolled his eyes playfully, then they turned dark at the blood below him.

"And who might you be? Oh! Right your that Fairy, Salamander, right?" Gajeel laughed evilly.

Lucy weakly pushed herself up but dropped her arms causing her failure of getting up.

Members of Phantom Lord had already decided to run feeling the difference in magic power.

Gajeel grinned, "you should be a worthy fight!"

Natsu had the darkest look, blackness filled his eyes, his mouth twitched in anger, and his entire body shook with anger. That vein almost burst from his forehead.

Lucy closed one eye in pain and grit her teeth together so they wouldn't shake.

Natsu heard Lucy's breathes, and to her, it hurt to breath.

Natsu's anger went way off the charts!


Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now