Chapter one

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Hey guys this is me from 2019. I want everybody to know that since 2017, or 2018, whenever this was published that I haven't really read over it. Everett another books and become a much better author. But some of the questions that you might have for me during the reading process I will probably not be able to answer. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I am eventually going to re-write this as soon as I finished the second book. So I apologize for my below average writing, but I promise when I rewrite it it'll be better explained and better thought out than it was originally. Thanks 🙂

"Holland, will you take this to Mike?" Ms. Hollis asks me holding out a pink slip of paper. I stand up from the plush blue chair I was sitting on and hold out my hand. Ms. Hollis is an older lady with grey hair and bottle rimmed glasses.

"Yes I can, what class is he in?" I ask grabbing the pink slip from her hand. She types something on her computer and looks back at me.

"It's his free period which means he's likely to be in the auditorium practicing with his band," she says. I nod my head and walk out of the office and down the hall to our auditorium. When I open the door I hear the most beautiful, most angelic, voice singing ever. I stop in my tracks and just listen.

"If I quit calling you my love

Move on

You watch me bleed until I can't breathe

I'm shaking falling onto my knees

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches

I'm tripping over myself

I'm aching begging you to come help

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing Stitchessss," the voice stops, then the music stops. I realize that I let go of the door to the auditorium and it slammed shut.

"What do you want? This is a private rehearsal." a guy with brown hair asks. I walk into the room farther, so that they can see me. I see a bass guitar, electric guitar, set of drums a piano guitar, and a single microphone.

"I am looking for Mike Laydon," I say. They all look over to a guy with darker brown hair. He walks to the edge of the stage, jumps up, and walks up to me.

"Why do you need me?" He questions.

"I have a note from the office for you," I say handing him the pink slip of paper. He looks at it and laughs. He shoves the paper into his pocket and walks back up to the stage.

"Who is that?" I hear the girl that was singing ask. The guy with brown hair turns her to face him.

"That's Holland, Lees," he says to the girl, I notice that he is talking a little slower then he was when he asked what I was doing in their rehearsal, "he's in our 7th hour Pre Cal class," he finishes. She turns her head to look at me. She cocked her head to the left side. She turns abruptly and walks down the steps and walks towards me. When she gets to me she stops and smiles and I see that she has braces. She has brown hair, the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever seen, and her lips are really pink.

"Oh my goodness, you sit behind me, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you," she says quietly.

"Did you just get those?" I ask smiling back at her. She looks at me in a confused way.

"What?" she asks raising both of her eyebrows.

"Did you just get braces?" I ask again. She turns around with a confused look still on her face.

"What did he just say?" she asks Mike. He comes down and looks at her. She looks at his lips and starts to focus. This is going to get awkward really fast.

"He asked if you just got your braces," he says slowly. She turns to me and studies me for a little bit. I absent mindedly run my fingers through my black hair.

"Yes I did," she says nodding her head. I smile at her. "Guys I'll be right back," she says walking to the auditorium door and exiting. I smile at no one in particular, that girl is gorgeous. When the door shuts it pushed me out of my day dream, and I turn back to Mike seeing that the three guys that were still on the stage when I tuned around were now standing in front of me.

"This is Davis," Mike says motioning to the guy with light brown hair. "This is Brad," he says motioning to a guy with blonde hair. "And this is Zack," he says pointing to a guy with red hair. I nod at them I look behind me to make sure that the girl hasn't walked back in yet and look at the guys.

"So I know I shouldn't be asking you this, but is she slow?" I ask trying not to sound rude. They all look at me in a very upset way. "I was only asking because she was looking at your mouth while you were talking and you were talking slow," I say shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Aaliyah is deaf, she can't hear at all so she looks at our lips while we are talking," Zack says defensively, "but there is nothing wrong with her! She's amazing!"

"I can tell she's amazing. Guys I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I was just curious," I say shrugging.

"We know, we saw how you looked at her dude, and I'm warning you if you use her or hurt her we will all beat you up," Mike says seriously.

"How did I look at her?" I ask innocently even though I kind of know what they're talking about.

"Like she was so talented, beautiful, amazing, and all of that," Brad says. "Listen before and use her please just get to know her," he finishes.

"I wasn't going to use her," I say defensively. They exchange looks to one and another. Mike shrugs and mutters something under his breath. They all nod, as if agreeing with each other, and turn back to me.

"If you are planning on being her friend, or more than that, get to know her," Mike says. I nod my head when the door opens, and two giggling girls enter. I turn around to see Aaliyah and Allie Thompson, my cousin, walk in. She has bright blue eyes, blonde hair, and freckles. I notice Aaliyah blush and start laughing. She looks adorable when she laughs. She closes her eyes and her nose scrunches up. I automatically smile at her.

"Hey cous, you're needed in the office," Allie states. "You know, sense you are student service," she finishes smirking at me. Oh crap! I think. I walk out of the auditorium.

"He's so cute," I hear Aaliyah say before the door shuts. I continue to walk back to the office.

Hey guys, thanks for choosing to read the first chapter of Loving the Deaf Girl, I hope you like it! If you did please vote share and comment! Updates will most likely be on Wednesdays or Saturdays depending on hoe busy I am. The picture on the top is of Aaliyah. Thank you so much!


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