Chapter five Part Two

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I get to her house. "Okay Lees, I'm here, give me a sec," I say pulling into the cop filled driveway. He house is huge. There is a gigantic pool in the front with stairs leading to the pool from both of the top sides of her house. Her house looks like a castle. Her roof is blue and her house is made of tannish stone. I put my car in park and kill the engine. Her house makes my house looks like a one room apartment. I take my keys out of the ignition and get out of the car.

"Ok, Ill see you in a sec?" she asks, rather than says.

"Yes you will," I say as the line goes dead. I walk up to her broken glass front door and slide the one  open that isn't broken, I notice a baseball bat lying on the floor.

"Who are you?" a police officer asks me, placing his hand in front of me. I notice that

"I'm Holland, I'm here to get Lees... I mean Aaliyah," I stutter.

"Ms. Waters, is this him?" Aaliyah peeks around the officer, I notice she has her phone in her hand.

"Yes officer it is," she says quietly as she slides around him and runs to me she jumps into my arms and wraps her legs around my torso. I smile at the gesture and how happy she is to see me.

"Hey Lees, has it been a rough night?" I ask when she looks at me. She nods her head and giggles. She releases her legs from around my torso and jumps down to the ground.

I notice how adorable her pajamas are. The shirt is black with a metallic silver heart on it with the word love imprinted on it, and her pajama pants are black with a red bow and red and pink kisses on them.

"Are you ready to go beautiful?" I ask tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. I notice that her cheeks are getting pinker by the second.

"Yes please," she says nodding.

"Have a good night, Ms. Waters," one of the officers say tipping their hat down at Aaliyah.

"You too, I'm sorry for causing all of this trouble," she says as if she feels guilty.

"You caused us no trouble, we will find the man who broke your door open with a baseball bat and arrest him," the officer says. Aaliyah says thank you again and we walk out of her house and into the darkness. Aaliyah wraps her arm around the right side of me waist and hides. I put my arm around her shoulders and caress her left shoulder trying to comfort her as we continue to walk. We get to my old white ford pickup and I open her door for her. She gets in and I shut her door. As I walk to my side I see the bushes moving. I walk a little faster around my truck and hop in. I shut my door and lock the doors as I turn the key in the ignition. My truck starts right away. I feel warm ness to my right side and look over to see Aaliyah curled up next to me. She looks at me I can see the fear in her beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong Lees?" I ask, genuinely worried about her.

"I saw the bushes moving, Holland I'm scared," she says as she starts to cry.

"It's okay Lees, everyone gets scared, but don't worry, I'll protect you," I say. She smiles through her tears. She and I buckle up our seat-belts and I start to drive. Aaliyah lays her head down on my shoulder, I feel her smile.


When we get to my house I kill the engine and carefully take my seatbelt off, then I take Aaliyah's off. I move her head so it is lying on the seat and I slide out of my truck. I carefully put my hands under her knees and under her back. I slide her out carefully and hold her in my arms protectively. She lays on my chest and yawns.

"Thanks for carrying me in Holland," she says quietly. I shut the truck door with my back and walk up the stairs in my garage. I carefully open the door and walk inside quietly. I shut the door with my foot. I walk in my house and to my room. I set her down on my bed carefully and her eyes flutter open.

"Your welcome," I say. "Ummm Lees can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure," she says crisscrossing her legs and patting the spot in front of her. I sit down ad crisscross my legs too.

"When you called me to come get you, how'd you hear me?" I ask.

"Oh," she laughs "I have this app on my phone so when I'm talking to someone all I have to do is look at the screen and it tells me what they are saying," she says smiling. I nod.

"Can I see?" I ask curiously. She pulls out her phone right as it starts to ring. Talk about perfect timing.

"Hi mom," she says I look over her screen.

"Hi baby how are you? Are you okay?!" The words pop up on her screen right as they are being said. This is amazing.

"Yes mom, I'm fine. My friend Holland went to our house and got me, I'm going to stay at his house tonight," she says smiling.

"Your staying at a boys house?!" I can hear the concern in her moms voice.

"Mom, I promise, I'm safe here. He won't do anything to me," she says.

"Okay baby, well get some rest I love you very much."

"I love you to mom, bye," Aaliyah says hanging up. Aaliyah yawns and lays back on my pillow.

"Lees are you going to bed?" I ask her. When she doesn't answer I realize what I did and chuckle. I stand up and walk to her side. I tap her shoulder and her eyes fly open and she sits up. "Lees, are you going to bed?" I repeat my question as soon as she looks at me.

"Yeah I am," she says giving me a tired smile. I nod and start to walk away. "Wait, Holland!" She says I turn around and walk back to her side.

"Yeah?" I ask kneeling down besides her. She pecks my cheeks and I feel them get hot and tingly.

"Thank you," she says looking me in the eyes.

"Anytime Lees," I say standing up from her side. I walk over and flip off the light switch. I walk over to the couch that's in my room and lay on that. In a matter of seconds I'm asleep.

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