Chapter four

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When the movie ends Aaliyah automatically turns to me. I can tell that she is thinking about something. "What is it, Aaliyah? You are acting like you've never seen this movie, or as if you have never seen it," I ask turning to her. She looks thoughtfully at me than begins to speak.

 "Imagine if she woulda ended up with Jafar instead of Aladdin!" Aaliyah says with a serious look on her face.

"I wouldn't have liked it very much, and I think the movie wouldn't have been named Alddin it would have been name Jafar or something. Plus I don't think that she's ever end up with him, I'm just sayin," I state blandly as she puts popcorn in her mouth.

"You're a stick in the mud!" She says rolling her eyes at me and sticking her tongue out at me. "they woulda been great leaders!" she says smiling evily at me. I roll my eyes at her and stand up. This girl. I can't believe she wants one of the sweetest princesses to end up with Jafar! She's insane! Jafar is like twice the age of Jasmine. I turn and look down at her. She smiles innocently at me as I shake my head at her.

"Are you thirsty, doll face?" I ask. She nods. I walk into the kitchen and get two glasses out of the cupboard and fill them with water. When I get done I walk back to the living room and plop on the couch next to Aaliyah. She smiles as I offer her a glass of water and she takes it.

"Thanks," she says quietly smiling at me. I nod as she takes a drink of water. That's when I get an evil idea. I make a funny face and she spit her water on me. Well that backfired. I think as she starts to laugh and cough. I smile. Her laugh is adorable. I walk in the kitchen an get a wash cloth. When I walk in she's still laughing.

"You're crazy Aaliyah!" I say tapping her nose.  After she stops laughing she looks at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry Holland," she says smiling at me. I smile at her. She's so sweet that you would never believe that she ships Jafar and Jasmine.  

"Technically it's my fault," I say still getting the water off of me. After I finish wiping off the water I smile at her and she laughs. Her phone starts to buzz. I notice that her face falls as she looks from her phone to me.

"I have to go and take this, is tree a room I can go into?" She asks smiling at me as if nothing is wrong. I decide against asking in case it was personal.

"My room is down the hall on the first left," I say nodding. She smiles and nods as she gets up and walks down the hall. I get up and decide to do the dishes. I unload the dishwasher and load it. I see that it's 5:50. I decide to start doing homework while she is talking on her phone. That's when I realize that my backpack is in my room. Crap I really didn't think this through. I think as I slap my hand to my head.

I start to walk down the hall and I run into Aaliyah. I reach out and catch her before she falls backwards. "I'm so sorry Aaliyah!" I exclaim when she looks at me. I notice she's frowning. Her facial features go soft as she smiles at me.

"It's okay Holland," she says softly. I help her get steady on her feet. When I let go of her waist something flats to the ground. I pick it up and hand it to her. "Thanks," she says quieter than before.

"Did I do something wrong Aaliyah? Because I'm sorry if I over stepped my boundaries. I was only tryin-" I get interrupted by a soft finger placed on my lips.

"Holland, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just mad at someone, but it's no big deal. I gotta go, thanks for having me over. It was fun," She says removing her finger from my lips.

"Yeah, you can come over any time you want to," I say. She nods and walks around me and goes to her bright yellow trench coat that is hanging on a gold hook. I pull her coat off of the hook and look at her. "Can I help you put this on?" I ask motioning to her coat. I figure out the answer to that question when she spins around on her heels and puts her arms out behind her back. I carefully slide the coat on her arms and onto her. She turns around and smiles at me.

"Thanks Holland, I appreciate it. I'll defiantly come over again," she says. She looks down at her feet and looks back up at me. Next thing I know I'm getting hugged. It was a quick hug. After she stops hugging me she automatically looks at her feet. When she looks up at me her face is bright red. "Um, sorry, I just ummmm," she stops in the middle of her sentence when her phone dinged. She looks upset as she angrily types something and sends it. "I really have to go, sorry, I'll talk to you on Monday?" she says hopefully.

"Unless you text me or come over then yeah talk to you Monday," I say shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Okay well I'll see, see ya Holland," she says slipping past me to the door. She opens the door and turns around to smile at me.

"See ya Aaliyah," I say returning her smile.

"Call me Lees," she says. I nod.

"Okay, bye Lees," I say. Her face flushes red before she whips around and walks out the door. When the   door shuts I walk to the kitchen to order pizza.

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