Chapter 12

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I wake up to a crash. I hear Aaliyah groan. I stand up and walked over to the side of the bed and turn the lamp on my bedside table on. Aaliyah's hazel eyes go huge.  I laugh at her. She covers her hair and looks away. I went to ask her what was wrong but stop myself. That's when I notice something in her ear.... It couldn't be...... Why is she wearing hearing aids? I sit next to her quietly. She looked up at me. She looks at me in a confused way. I put my finger to my ear. She laughs and puts her hands over her ears. "It's not what you think," she tells me. I wait for her explanation. "Okay, so basically what happened is my parents took me to a doctor. He decided that he would try hearing aids, all though they have never worked my parents didn't argue with him. So therefore I have been wearing them for a month, but they help nothing. I can't hear anything," she explained. I believe her, but at the same time I don't. "I swear!" She says.

"Okay I believe you," I mouth. She smiles at me.

"Thank you," she says hugging me. Yup she defiantly couldn't hear anything. When she let go of me I stand up and pick her up. I put her back on my bed as she rakes her hair, trying to fix it. I chuckle and remove her hand from her hair and hold it in my hand.

"Don't worry Lees, you're beautiful just the way, don't worry about your hair," I say smiling at her. She blushed. All is right with the world right now. She yawns. "So what happened? Why did you end up on the floor?" I ask pushing some of her hair out of her eyes.

"I had a nightmare and I was trying to run away from the person who was chasing me with a knife, that's when I fell out of bed," she says smiling at me. I sit on my bed with her and pull her onto my lap, holding her close to me.

"As long as I'm here no one will ever hurt you Aaliyah, I can promise you that," I Sign in front of her. She curls up to my chest and her breathing slowed. Soon she was asleep. I lay her down on the bed and tuck her under my covers. I give her a quick kiss on the forehead before walking back over to the couch. I lay down and pull a blanket on me.


I took Aaliyah home about an hour ago, and Marlin and my mom are gone. I think they are at the doctors or something, but I don't know. My mom is upset at me for bringing Aaliyah over to our house again, but that's just fine with me. I know she will eventually forgive me. However, at this moment she won't respond to texts or calls. Plus she didn't even write a note before she left, which is very unusual of her. I stand from the couch and walk to the fridge. I rummage around, trying to find something that looks appetizing, but nothing does so I shut the fridge.

As I sit down on the couch I can't help but think about Aaliyah. She's at band practice with her whole band, of all guys.. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but you know her band is full of all boys. Who am I kidding? I'm jealous that they get to spend time with her and I don't. That's when I Have a brilliant idea. Maybe I should join the band! I can play the bass guitar and I'm sure that Aaliyah will let me in her band if I'm good enough! I walk into my room and pull my bass guitar out of my closet. Then I start to play my favorite song, Pop Rocks by Green Day.

As soon as I play the last chord my phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket to see that it's Marlin.

"Hello?" I say while I put away my guitar.

"Holland, what are you doing?! What's wrong?!" my mom demands from the other line. Oh so now she calls me, that's amazing, she actually cares,

"Mom, nothing everything is fine," I reassure her. I know deep down inside she's relieved, but she's also still upset with me. I walk back to the kitchen and open the fridge again.

"Young man you can't just call me 100 times when nothing is wrong! You gave me such a fright!" she yells, breaking my eardrum in the process.

"Mrs. Thompson, it's not good to yell while you are pregnant! The baby can hear you!" a franitic woman yells. Golly geeze what's with all the yelling in that hospital??

"Naw, Holland'll be fine," Marlin says loud on purpose. Ouch my ego. Haha just kidding.

"Holland, I want you to lock the doors until mommy gets home," my Mom says. Since when were we talking in third person? And why is she so worried about me? In going to be fine.

"Mom I'll be fine," I reassure her. She sighs. What's her deal today?

"You will lock the doors this instant!" she demands. I go and lock the doors. "Holland I have to go, bye I love you," she says. I tell her I love her too and she hangs up. That's when I decide I should go birthday shopping for my mom since it is her birthday and no one had gotten her a anything. I walk to my room, slipping some Nike shoes on and my wallet in my pocket. I walk out to Marlins car, since Kat still has mine, and drive to the mall.

Thanks for reading guys! Please don't forget to comment and hit the little star for me! I would love it so much if we could get up to 60 votes by/on the next chapter! I love you guys sooo much!

Love Kennedy 💘

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