Chapter 27

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When I hear the doorbell ring I run down the stairs and open the door, to reveal Grace and Mal, who by the way are in a 'public' relationship. They are doing really well, in fact, after I talked to Mal two weeks ago she ledft after I left and went to go and talk to Grace. Apparently there was a lot of crying, which is awful, but there was also a lot of fogiveness and exceptance. "Hi, Holl," Grace says, giving me a hug. I hug her back.

"Hi, Grace, how are you?" I ask as I pull away. 

"I'm good, how are you?" she asks giving me a wide smile. 

"I'm much better now that Lees is here," I reply, gaining an awe from Grace and Malory. I roll my eyes, why did girls always have to make a true statement so cheesy? I invite them in and they sit on the couch with me. As they talked we all laughed. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Aaliyah, who is wearing an unreadable look on her face. I smile at her and pat the seat next to me. She walks over to me and sits down. 

"Lees, this is Malory," I say as Mal waves her hand at Aaliyah, "and this is Grace," grace waves at her and gives her a sweet smile. I look at Aaliyah and see that she still looks uncomfortable. I raise my eyebrows at Grace. 

"So Aaliyah, is It true that you're deaf?" Grace asks. I look at Aaliyah, who looks genuinely confused. I sign what Grace just said.

"Um, yeah I am," Aaliyah says as she gets her phone from her pocket and turns It on. 

"Is it true you're like in a band?" Malory asks? The words pop on Aaliyah's screen, which makes me feel a little better. 

"Yeah, it is," she replies. 

We sat at our bowling booth as we all waited for Chase and his girlfriend to get here, we have currently been waiting for around 15 minutes. We all look around at each other, not sure what to say. None of us necessarily want to bad mouth Chase, mostly because it could be his dates fault that they are late, but after knowing Chase for a couple of weeks I also know that it takes him longer to do his hair than most girls.. We all simultaneously turn to my right as the bell on the front door rings, revealing  Chase and his girlfriend/date, Sadie.

Sadie has long red/brown hair, brown eyes, a very small,5 foot, frame. I'm pretty sure that she plays a sport or does cheerleading, or something like that. She puckers her lips when she notices Grace. Oh yeah, did I mention she's anti-Grace? Not anti-gay, anti-Grace. Yeah Sadie hates Grace, which I don't get because Grace is one of my best friends. 

"Hi Holland. Hi Malory. Hi Aaliyah," she says, noticeably looking at Grace, yet she says nothing to her. Aaliyah stands up by me and walks over to Chase, giving him a huge hug. I feel the whole mood change in the room. What was going on? Why is Aaliyah hugging Chase? 

"Hi, cous, how are you?" Chase asks, killing the tension, and making everyone breathe a sigh of relief. I had no idea that Chase and Lees were cousins. 

"Well it's kind of rude to not say hi back," Sadie says in a snotty voice, directing it at Aaliyah. I blow a steady stream of air out of my moth, realizing that she doesn't know that Aaliyah is deaf.

"Sadie, Aaliyah is deaf," I tell her.

"Then how is she the lead singer of a band? Hmm? Have you ever thought about that? And why does she wear hearing aids?" Sadie says. I look at Aaliyah, and I see that she isn't wearing hearing aids, which makes me wonder what the heck Sadie is talking about. I look at her and raise my eyebrows. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sadie says, glaring at me. I roll my eyes.

"No one fakes being deaf," I say glaring at her. 

"I hate her!" Grace said venomously as she threw her purse on the couch and fights tears. I look at Mal, who has no idea what to do. I could tell that she didn't know weather to comfort her or let her go on a mad rampage through my house. Sadie totally ruined the whole date, and she ruined her relationship with Chase, and she was a total jerk to Aaliyah, not to mention she said some really rude things to Grace. Overall I think that the date was a complete flop. 

I look at Grace, who was now on the couch with her face in a pillow. I couldn't tell if she was crying or she was just breathing extremely hard. I knew she was upset. I look at Aaliyah, who was equally upset. 

~~~30 minutes previous~~~

Surprisingly the date was going rather well. I mean there was a little bit of tension between Lees, Grace, and Sadie. Sadie has kind of been mean to both Lees and Grace.

"I still think she's faking being deaf," Sadie comments once again.

"Will you shut up?!" Grace demands, turning around to face Sadie. I could tell that Grace was starting to get really frustrated with Sadie. Sadie crosses her arms over her chest. 

"Don't talk to me like that you fa-"

"Okay, no one talks to Grace like that!" Mal whips around. 

"I don't know why you're pretending to like her," Sadie tells Malory as she turns to Grace, "she only pretends to like you out of pity you freak," she says. Grace's face fell. I walk over to her and place my arm around her shoulder. 

"Don't listen to her," I whisper to her. 

"Grace you are desperate, I can tell because you are even trying to get Holland, who has a girlfriend," Grace blows air out of her mouth as Aaliyah walks over to us and wraps her arm around Grace's waist. Sadie looks over at Malory.

"Malory, out of everyone you are probably the most desperate," she says. 

"Let's get out of here, guys," Malory says as she grabs Grace's hand and pulls her out of mine and Aaliyah's grasps. 

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