Chapter 23

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As I walk down the hall to find Chase I hear I slam against the lockers acme turn around to see Gracelynn on the ground. "That's what you get you little fag, now get out of my way," a girl says. I look at the person who is talking to Grace and it's Malory. Wait, but I thought... I walk over to Malory and Grace and help Grace up.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she steadied herself. She nodded, but I could tell from the tears in her eyes she wasn't. I look at Malory who is looking at me with wide eyes, as if I'm the only one who knows about their relationship.

"You know Malory I really think you should be nice to your fellow students," I say. She gives me a guilty look.

"It's not her fault that that fag got in her way!" Some guy behind her announces. I look at him.

"I don't care who got in who's way, she needs to learn how to be nice and respect the student body," I say.

"Yeah, but she's different than us she doesn't have feelings she was just an accident," the guy replies to my comment. I look at Grace hoping that she'll say something maybe she'll stand up for herself, but all she does is shake her head at me. I look at everybody surrounding Malory at the moment and I just shook my head.

"Come on Grace, let's go," I say grabbing her wrist.

"Next time stay out of her way!" the guy yells. I roll my eyes, is he for real right now? I take her outside. "What just happened in there Grace?" I ask. She shakes her head and looks away from me, which kind of irritates me. I grab the sides of her face and make her look at me. "Gracelynn, what happened in there? I'm so confused and lost can you please tell me what happened?" I ask her. She shakes her head and I can see a little ring around her right eye and it was slowly growing darker.

"Did she punch you in the face?" I ask she looks down and starts to cry. I pull her into a hug. "Grace you need to tell me what just happened," I demand, "and that's not a request, I'm telling you to," I say.

"Holland I don't know what's happening, she just always gets like this and her friends," was all I hear as Grace continues to cry.

"I thought you guys were in a relationship," I point out.

"Oh, we are, it's just the whole school cat no because people like me aren't widely accepted at my school and people like Malory, who are popular, would be the laughingstock of the whole school if anybody ever found out, besides you I guess, cuz apparently she told you," she says.

"Grace don't you think this is abuse because I'm like 100% sure it is," I tell her.

"That's just how it has to be Holland, not every relationship can be as perfect as you and your girlfriend's," she says with a sharpness in her voice.

"Okay Grace, that's ridiculous, you do realize I'm an hour and a half away from my girlfriend and I can't really talk to her or see her everyday. My relationship isn't perfect either but my relationship is definitely not like that I can speak for both Aaliyah and I when I say if either of us laid hand on each other we would be over," I say.

"Listen not everything can be perfect Holland, that's all I can tell you," she exasperates as she pushes away from me and covers her eyes.


"No Holland! Listen you will never understand what it's like to be gay! I mean you are striaght," she pauses, "seriously, I mean ,you will never have to worry about anybody at not accepting your relationship because guess what you're straight! Your what everybody is supposed to be, well guess what?! Not everybody is straight. Newsflash not everybody likes the opposite gender and I fall into that category, I mean I love having guy friends just I'm not attracted to them. So you can be attracted to all the girls you want in the world and all the girls can be attracted to all the guys in the world they want to and they will be judged for it, but guess what, I'm judged for who I like because it's out of the norm to other people, even if it's not to me! It's out of the norm especially in our school for girls to like girls and guys to like guys it's just abnormal I mean look around my school and tell me how many people you think are gay or transgender. Newsflash nobody, nobody I am literally the only one who is full out gay!

"Yeah there may be people that are bi but everybody's in a relationship with everybody else, and all those relationships are boy-girl unless there are people hiding it but I doubt there are. It's just frowned upon and this School Holland! You just don't understand what it's like. I mean I have pink hair I'm like a walking Tumblr board and I'm gay what isn't wrong with me?" She asks. I look at Grace, who is now fully sobbing and I feel for her.

"Grace you're right I'll never know how you feel, but I do know the relationships are hard. And I also know that you cannot let her treat you like this! I thought you guys wanted a relationship," I say.

"Oh we are as just the whole school can't know because if they found out she wouldn't have any friends."

"Grace your relationship isn't healthy, and I care and I want you to be safe," She looks at me but says nothing.

"I'll talk to her later I guess but no promises that she's even going to freaking listen to me," she says before walking away. What am I going to do?

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