Chapter 13

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What should I get my mom for her birthday? I walk around aimlessly. I finally decide to go in a store that's called Victoria's Secret,  When I walk in and see what's in the store and all the girls in there look at me like I'm a perv.... How awkward, I didn't realize that there were.... Women's products in there... Well I feel awkward now. "Dude you're a perv!" I turn around to see Mike.

"It's not what you think, I was looking for a birthday present for my Mom!" I say putting my hands over my head. He gives me another weird look. "That is defiantly not what I meant!" I say in defeat. "I didn't know what Victoria's secret is!" I promise him.

"Holland, you're a funny dude," he says punching my arm, "are you treating Lees good?" he asks. I  nod my head up and down.

"Yeah, at least I hope everyone, including you guys, think so," I say nodding. I wonder what Aaliyah has been saying to the guys.

"Yes, she's been putting a lot more into rehearsal and she sings with a little more passion, I'm kinda surprised that she's not with you honestly," he says shoving his hands in his pocket.

"She was gonna go to band practice, why aren't you there?" I ask him.

"We didn't stay there for to long, Mike threw up. Aaliyah actually said that she was going to call you, this was five minutes ago," he replies, "funny enough she's here with me, she just went into Barnes and Noble," he adds, giving me a smile.

"Are you kidding dude?!" I ask, realizing how excited I am. He nods his head. I tell him I'd love to talk, but I had to go, and left.

I walk into Barnes and Noble and walked around the store until I found the section that Aaliyah. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She leans her head on my shoulder and looks at me, plastering a huge smile on her face. "Hi Holland," she says with a dreamy expression on her face.

"Hi Lees, what's you doing here?" I ask. She spins around and faces me, giving me a huge hug. I run my hand up and down her back. I hear her sigh. She rests her head on my chest and my heart starts to beat really fast.

"Does your heart always beat this fast?" Aaliyah asks looking up at me. I skhake my head.

"Only when you're around," I say kissing the top of her head. Her face falls, what did I do wrong.

"Holland, I think we are going to fast," my heart falls. She can't be serious can she? She pulls out of my hold.

"Aaliyah you can't be serious," I beg her.

"Listen, Holland, I really like you," she says smiling at me. Then why are you doing this?!


"But, I feel like we are going way to fast, I mean I'm having sleepovers at your house, and we aren't even together yet. Plus, I feel that you and your mom have to figure out what you're going to do about possibly being my boyfriend. I just really don't wanna get hurt, I'm sorry Holland," she says sadly, walking away. I want to run after her and ask why she was breaking up with me. I mean it's not like anything bad has happened between us, plus even if she is staying at my house doesn't mean that we've slept together. Oh my gosh.

I need to chase after her, but I cant find the strength to move my feet. Why? Just why? I felt tears fall down my cheeks. When did this happen? I mean like why am I crying. I shouldn't be crying. I mean she's just a girl.... She's not just a girl idiot, you're starting to fall for her! My subconscious screams at me. Now run after her! I listen and run out of the store. I have to find her. I have to talk her out of this! I was running so fast that I ran into someone. I step back to see Mike.

"Dude, where's Aaliyah?" he asks me. Crap what do I say?!

"She left Barnes and Noble to find you, dude. I volunteered to help her but she ran off. That's why I was running," I explain. He nods and thanks me before walking past me.

"Holland, I just want to thank you. I know that Aaliyah really likes you a lot. I can tell you that everyone in our band approves of you two. Now all you need to do is make things official," he says before he walks away. Then why'd she just dump me? I question as I start to walk to the doors. I hop in my car and drive home. I think I just need to be alone.

Hey Guys, I'd like to thank you for slaying my life and getting it to 63 votes! Thank you thank you thank you! I love you guys so much! -Love Kennedy

-P.S don't forget to vote and comment :)

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