Chapter Three

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'' It isn't nothing if you are asking a question, idiot."

Derek rolled his eyes at me. " Don't be difficult, Anna. Why do you like the rain?" He asked again, slightly irritated. What can I say? I have the gift to make people irritated. I shrugged and I was lost in my thoughts. Why did I like the rain?

The rain was water, liquid. To live we need water, the most important resource to us. Ever since I was little, I always liked the rain, the water and would stand outside on rainy days.Father would then come out of the house to stand beside me, as we both got drenched to the core, completely soaked. Until my mother would begin screaming at us to enter the house or else we would get sick.

" It is soothing. Remembers me of Father since his death, I guess."

I felt something warm on my head and turned to throw a cold glare to my twin. " Do not pet me like I am some kind of animal or something, Derek," I ordered, swatting his hand away from the top of my head.

Some minutes after our small banter, we reached our new home. The dark-haired woman parked the car in the driveway. It was a pretty big house, and I wondered why they had a house this big. They have only one kid, and yet they have such a big house?

" If you wonder why we have such a big house, we moved here a month or two ago, when I heard about your parent's death," She explained when she sensed my stare in her house.

It was a pretty modern house, made of red bricks, white window frames.Flowers were blooming beneath the feet of the balcony, which was as large as the house. The house was in the middle of the forest, away from the street.

I climbed out of the car, Derek took our luggage in the house. Sophia then began to show us around the house. When we entered into the entrance hall, she told us that, to the left was the kitchen and to our right the living room. In front of us were the stairs leading to our bedrooms. We both followed her upstairs.

" Your rooms are at the end of the wall.You can choose which one you'd like, I'll be in the kitchen, if you need anything, preparing dinner."The russet skinned woman was, walking away, leaving un-alone as we stood there.

My brother's eyes landed on me, then on the room to our left, on the left wall. " I'll take the one on our left," He said and opened the door to his room. The only other empty room was the one in front of me, the only room the hallway led to since every other room were on both side of the hallway.

" Looks like I'll take the one in front of me, at the end of the hall,'' I said, opening the door.

It faces the forest.

Looks like this will be the beginning of a new life.

Everything in my new room was simple. The walls were gray, only the one with the bed against it was red.The window was facing the door, thus leading to the bed to be between the window and the door.

The covers and the pillows on the bed were silver with the lower part being white and with flower patterns there.

I'll have to buy accessories to add a personal touch here. I let go of my bags, as they fell to the floor, and I walked to my new bed, only to let myself fall on it, legs dangling in the air.

I heard a chuckle and looked up towards the voice to see my brother, leaning against the door frame, his ankles crossed together, his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his face.

" The plane fight took a toll on you, huh?"

I huffed in frustration." Men and women were not made to be in the sky. I am nauseous."

His smirk widened even more into a smug smile.

"Nauseous enough to be unable to eat hamburgers?"

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