Chapter Twenty Two

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With all the shaking inside my brother's body, I could truly catch a grip on how much he changed, how massive he got while he was sick. How could he change so much in so little time? His mouth was slightly opened, deep growls left his mouth, his pupils were so dilated with fury.

Never had I ever felt so much anger rolling off of him like that in waves, as if each wave crashed against something each time he looked at me.His muscles tensing and rolling underneath his skin lit by moonlight, giving him a  predatory look. Never had I ever felt uneasy with my own brother before. Never did I have cold sweat rolling down my back because of this overprotective brother of mine.

It was weird, seeing one of the most important people in my whole life act like that.

The shaking got even worse.

At the exact moment I began to fear for my brother, for his health, fearing my brother was having some kind of weird seizure, two men came from behind me, maybe from the front of the house.

One of them I easily recognized as Sam Uley, he was wearing the same coat as the last time I saw him, but the other boy, younger, and a little bit shorter but at least six feet tall, with long rounded muscles. He wore a black tank top, and a pair of shorts that stopped just above the knee, and a pair of shoes that had seen better days.

Each of them put a hand on my brother's shoulder, while the unfamiliar young native man winked at me with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Don't worry, your brother will be fine! Go inside, we'll take care of him."

Who the hell was he to talk to me like this? As if I would obey him just because he spoke?

 A frown made its way onto my face and I opened my mouth, but then, I felt a soft, feminine hand grasp my shoulder and turn me around, only to be face to face with my aunt, who had a nervous smile on her face.

" Well, let's go inside and wait for your brother to calm down."

Then, the woman pushed me into the house and as she was doing that, from the corner of my eye, I saw her look back to my brother, who was still cussing and cursing. As we stepped into the house, she closed the door, and pulled the curtains closed, not before I could see the two native man drag my brother into the 


Then, my gaze fell upon my aunt, and my eyes narrowed. She knew something, that's for sure, but as soon as that thought went through my mind, I looked back to the forest.

 What are they going to do to him?

 What are they going to do to him?

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Derek came back late that night. I saw him, as I was sitting on the edge of the window. He was only wearing a new marine tank top and a pair of shorts.I saw him walk to the door, and hear him enter, close the door gently. I heard him walk up the stairs, my twin stopped in front of my door. But after a moment, he went back to his room.

Whenever he knew I was awake, and he was, he'd come into my room, and tried to make me talk about whatever kept me awake at night.

Why do I have a feeling everything's going to change because of tonight?

He usually always came into my room whenever we both were awake at night.

My head was filled with thoughts and I knew I needed to calm down. I laid down on my bed and went to sleep, even if my head was completely filled with thoughts, pulling the covers over my body as I stared at the moon shining into my room.

It was now the weekend.

I was right to say that the relationship between my brother and I changed that night. He seems to be uncomfortable around me and avoids me as if I was a walking disease. Whenever I try to talk to him, he always says he's to busy.

He only wears that damn tank top and that damn pair of shorts.

And he now has some kind of weird tribal tattoo in a circle shape on his shoulder.

Today, I didn't feel like doing anything, other than stay in my room, and watch movies, paint a little.

Derek spent his whole day in the forest, he went out early this morning, and he still hadn't come back.

It was now around midnight. At the moment I could feel the drowsiness take over my body, my phone, which was on the nightstand next to my bed began to ring. Furiously. Over and over again for over three minutes and I groaned, sinking my head into my thickest pillow, grabbing the phone, and looked at the small's screen.

Bella's home number.

Right. Today was the day she spent in Port Angeles with her friends to help get them a dress for prom. Was she calling to talk about that ?

" Bella, it's near midnight. What is it?" I asked, slightly grumpy and blunt since my whole body felt heavy and tired all day. My thoughts going back once again to my brother, before I turned back my attention to what Isabella was saying.

" I know what Edward is."

My heart sped up, my hands turned clammy, and my throat dried up with the news that came from the phone that I held just next to my hear, to catch every single word's that left her mouth.

She knew.

That he was a vampire?

Well, I really didn't expect her to call me to tell me this.

Now I sure wouldn't be able to sleep 

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