Chapter Twenty

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It was now said afternoon, me, Bella, and the others were on La Push beach, the one Mike had talked to me, and he asked the others, to see if they were willing to come to the beach with us here.

It was not sunny. The sky was completely grey and covered in thick clouds, the wind was chilly, going through our coats. And I sat next to Bella, trying to keep her body temperature at a normal level with my own warmth.

Both of us wore small coats and were looking at Eric, the Asian boy, Mike, and Jessica putting on their surf outfits, or whatever they call those outfits. The young blonde haired boy walked up to me and turned around. His body as tense as a rope, and I could practically feel nervosity radiating off of him.

" Can you zip me up? I can't reach the zipper." Je asked, slightly turning towards me and I could see his ears turning out to be as red as tomatoes.

The blonde boy is embarrassed over the fact that he needs my help.

That's ... kind of endearing. I stood up and dragged the zipper up to its final destination.

" Hey, Bella, Anna!" Hollered a familiar voice, and from the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar Quileute young boy walking towards the van me, Bella, and the journalist girl was sitting into. He was accompanied by two boys I had never seen before, though it was easy to guess they also were part of the Quileute Tribe.

I scooted back to leave some space for Jacob to sit. 

And he did sit down, though he did push me off my balance and I ended up on my back.I sat back up, nudging Jacob with my elbow and he nudged me back while eating some red licorice.

I zoned out a bit, as my stomach made it known that it was hungry, Jacob gave me a piece of licorice and I ate it quickly, while the young man snickered next to me.

'' The Cullens don't come here.'' The shorter of Jacob's friends said, with a disgusted expression.

I looked over at Bella, to see her deep in her thoughts, a small frown on her face.

Why would the Cullens not be allowed to go on the reservation?

Bella and Jacob stood up and went to talk alone, in private.Jacob turned to look at me and I gave him an exaggerated wink and he snorted, before shaking his head.

Someone grabbed the sleeve of my coat and brought my attention to them. Mike smiled while tugging on my coat.

'' Come on,  I gotta show you how awesome I am!''

      The soft crackling of the fire and the steady sound of raindrops hitting the windows were the only sounds that were competing to fill the silence that seemed to make the house even more empty than it was before, my aunt, little siblings, and...

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      The soft crackling of the fire and the steady sound of raindrops hitting the windows were the only sounds that were competing to fill the silence that seemed to make the house even more empty than it was before, my aunt, little siblings, and uncle, all had gone out to movies, and I stayed behind, since I didn't want to see movies, and, of course, to look after my twin brother.

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