Chapter Ten

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello lovelies, I just wanted to warn you that I may change the name of the book, as I maybe will do it in three parts, three books, the cover might also change, see ya all later!


As I drove out of the parking lot, my thoughts went back to Derek.

When will he get his car though? I mean, I don't wanna have to bring him every single morning to school since he's so against riding the school bus. Too cool for that, he says.


As I drove to Lapush, which wasn't that far actually, listening to all kinds of music, and I mean, all kinds, I finally reached my brother's and my cousin's high school. 

I at least hope Derek tried to find our cousin to suggest I take him back to home too.

It didn't take that much time to reach Lapush high school. Teenagers were hanging around the parking lot, talking to each other. As normal, boring teenagers always do.

Does this mean I'm not a normal teenager? I mean I don't like to hang out with people... I also hear voices and can read the thoughts of people...

Ok, a pretty abnormal little lady here!

I  turned the wheel of my car and went inside the parking lot, the roaring and strong, guttural, raw and low sound coming from the motor of my car seemed to attract a lot of attention. I tried to lay low in my car while still being able to see where I was going.

From a little bit away from me, I could see Derek talking to someone and I tried to grab his attention by pushing on the horn...

Nothing happened. 

Oh, come on, man. Can't you see I'll grab really really really really---- unwanted attention? I sighed and groaned before stepping out of my car, sitting on the hood, grabbed my cell phone and dialed his phone number, and, as it appeared, pressing the call button before I brought it to my ear.

I could see my brother from afar pulling his phone out of his pocket and put it by his ear, while he talked with Jacob and the latter noticed me.

" Hey, Anna."

" Brother, I'm right behind you and yet you haven't noticed me, like, at all."

Derek gestured to someone to come and walked down the stairs towards me.

" Hey, Anna, how is it for your first day of school?"

" All right."

Derek's eyes darted from me to Jacob, then back to me with a puzzled expression.Eyebrows raised, arms crossed over his chest.

" Wait, you two know each other?"

Jacob nodded. "Yeah, we met at the grocery shop and then at Bella's house. How's Bella, by the way?"

" She is well. New girl in local high school, it attracts a lot of attention."

" So you must get some attention too, since you're new too, right?" He asked, a small smirk tilting up his lips.

" If I  did, I don't care."

Derek wrapped his arm around my shoulders while rolling his eyes at me. '' You never care about anything anyway, so it doesn't change anything."

That's... that's actually true, so I can't argue with him over the matter.

" Let's just get in my damn car, Derek."

My brother raised his hands in surrender and from afar, we could see our cousin jog over to us, waving back to his friends, and slowly slowed down until he stopped in front of us, Jacob's cell phone began ringing and the young native American answered his phone.

"Dad? -Yeah, they're still here, okay, bye."

The boy looked at me with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck, then glanced at Derek.

" My  father is at your house, and he asked me to ask you to let me come with you if I wanted to spend some time with Derek."

I raised an eyebrow at that.

" Sure, we could play video games. Climb in." My brother told him, as he got in the car.

"Let's not ask the owner of the car to get in," I muttered, as I too climbed inside the car,  and once everyone was inside, with their seatbelt on, I drove off towards my home.

Remember kids, safety before anything, always wear a seatbelt.

Remember kids, safety before anything, always wear a seatbelt

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 Two weeks passed by quickly, I was now quite familiar with my new school.

Even if now, I wanted to murder Jessica, as with my curse, I heard her think a few mean things towards Bella, enough that she was lucky my uncle told me not to get expelled from school, as sometimes, when I got pushed too hard, bad things happened.

Like once I got my ass grabbed in the middle of the cafeteria in an old school of mine, and I ... broke that man's arms in three places.

In my opinion, he deserved it. 

As I walked into my art class, I sat, as usual, next to an unexpectedly cheerful girl named Alice. Alice Cullen. Black pixie hair, lean, and golden eyes like her brother, Edward. Pulling out my sketchbook, as we all waited for the teacher to come in and start class.

Miss Michaelis was always late, always .

Never as she came on time for class.

As, we waited, again, I began to draw the forest behind my house. the little mist above the ground, the tall trees, the darkness of the woods, every little detail, I draw, as I , from time to time, close my eyes to visualize everything I might have missed.

A hand began to tap his/her pencil against another page from my sketchbook, as it was sprawled open in front of me.

Feminine and slim hands. A girl. Must be...

" Hey!"

Alice Cullen.

Come on, can't I have peace for one single day?

I really, really wanted some peace and be left alone...

I must have some pretty bad karma or something, everything keeps going against my wishes. 

But, oh well, let's see what she wants now.

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