Chapter Nine

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A.N: Hey people, as you might know, I had decided to change Edward Cullen's appearance in the last author note I left for ya all, and yet, I'm thinking about changing it back. I don't know if I'll stick to the book for Edward or the movie version, let me know what you'd like!


Biology class, the easiest one for me and the Asian guy who stepped into class faster than me and Bella, before shaking his clothing to drop water on both of us.

''How do you like that, Arizona girl?''

I did not take the time to answer him as a man with messy black hair welcomed us, Bella stayed behind to talk a little with the teacher, while I walked in front of the fan and from the corner of my eye, I noticed the same copper haired ''gorgeous'' man from before, and I sat down in front of him.  I leaned against the window, back pressed to it, sitting sideways to the class, and facing the door.

But, as Bella walked in front of the fan, something in the copper haired pale man changed. He turned as tense as a rope, seemingly holding his breath, knuckles turning white under the pressure. And I noticed his eyes darkening. A ragged breath left him, as he leaned away from Bella as she sat down.

'' Mister Newton, your new seat will be at the front, Miss Swan please sit next to Mr.Cullen

'' What, sitting in the front? For real?'' Mike commented, disgusted as his friends snickered.

'' Yes, for real, Mr.Newton, with Miss Blackbird, since she has amazing grades in sciences and it might help you to stop joking around while being in my class." The teacher followed with a sarcastic tone directed to Mike.

Oh no. Oh hell no, I wanted to be alone at the front, which is why I sat here, and yet I'll have a seatmate? 


The boy walked up and sat next to me, well technically, I was facing his side, and smiled in my direction. The class began, while I could feel the copper haired guy tense and stir away from Bella, as if she had a disease, as I watched Bella, I could see how it was affecting her, even if she wouldn't acknowledge it.

I mean, if a boy who sat next to me acted as if I smelled like a dead animal, I'd be pissed too.

Pretty pissed.

Real  pissed.

But, Bella is Bella and I am myself.

Thank god.

The class passed by quickly, as Newton tried to make me laugh by giving small jabs to the teacher, and I only snorted at his effort. And, as soon as the bell rang, I jumped out of my seats, grabbed my things and fled the room, taking my coat from the hanging poll at the class door. Mike was trying to keep up with me, telling me to wait for him.

We hadn't even reached half the hall that my arms was grabbed softly, making me turn around to face the Greek god that was Edward Cullen.....His copper and messy hair making him look even more surreal. Strong jaw and full lips, and long eyelashes, I mean, he could probably be a model if he wanted, or have a girl tugging at his hair.

Not gonna lie, he's a real adonis.

Someone can't be that perfect.

His dark eyes, face emotionless, stared at me, as he handed me something, and I stopped scrutinizing his every movement to look down at what he wanted to hand me.

My drawing sketch book.

'' You forgot it back at the class, didn't want you to wonder where it happened to be." He said, his voice smooth.

Damn. Even his voice, man. At least I was gifted with an emotionless, expressionless, impassive face.

As I grabbed it our fingers touched and damn were they as cold as ice. As I tried to move away, someone bumped into me and he grabbed my wrist to keep me from tumbling, which is kinda insulting since I'm no Bella and won't fall because of a little bumping. But, as more skin touched, I felt like a current of electricity went through me, as if all my thoughts, our thoughts doubled on themselves, like waves crashing against each other, merging with each other, bending and testing each other.

 I swiftly pulled my hand back as he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes slightly wider than before.

What the hell happened?

Please don't make this curse any stronger as not being able to touch people. Please, whoever cursed me, please don't. I can't even handle sometimes knowing, but knowing every time I touch someone? 

I'll become mental.

The skin where we touched itched as if it was on fire, as I kept scratching it with my nails, marking my alabaster skin with red lines. Someone grabbed the hood of my leather coat and I turned around, ready to chew the person off.

Mike was standing there, his hands raised in surrender.

" It's only me."

Oh yeah, as if it would make everything better?

Fantastic. Simply Fantastic.


And then the day ended after many long torturous hours, and I just wanted to go back to our new home, lay in my bed and sleep off everything that happened today.

Sounded so amazing.

But I also wanted to eat and watch a movie, while eating ice cream in my bedroom.Hmm, Life's hard choices.

As I was getting inside my car, closing the door and starting the engine, my cell phone ringed and I answered it, and Derek's name appeared on the small rectangular screen.

''Hey Anna."

'' Want me to pick you up?"

" Wha-how'd you know I called because of that?"

" You only call me when you need to ask me something."

" Well, yeah, now that you mention it-- anyway, I can't really drive myself home as long as my car is stuck in that storage with the prick owner. Then you will never have to drive me to school and from school ever again."

"It's a deal, brother of mine . "

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