Chapter Six

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In the end, Charlie invited the Black family to eat at their house, while inviting me also.

Though I do have the impression I'll be the one making dinner, again. Though I don't really mind all that much.Billy and his son have to stay to watch a match on the TV tonight, they are staying for the meal.

Today the meal would be pork slices marinated in honey, soy sauce and garlic, with grilled vegetables, and salad.

And spices I find lying somewhere in this kitchen.


Pretty well hidden, the spices are.

After searching for five minutes, Bella sitting at the small table near the window, staring at me, I turned towards her.

'' Where are the spices?''

The brown haired girl tilted her head to the side. '' In the drawer below the one containing the utensils.'' She told me, crossing her arms on the table.

But I already checked that one----

I pulled the drawer, and there they were. What a weird place to put them...

"... I knew that, of course."

After chopping the block in slices, and put them into a bowl where the sauce for the pork resided inside, I turned, only to notice the long-haired boy next to me, leaning on his crossed arms over the counter.

'' So you cook.''


'' Charlie and my father talked about that, about how you were housewife material.''

I raised an eyebrow at him, before chopping the vegetables, then putting the in the frying pan, while the pork cooked in the oven.

'' What an odd statement.''

Bella chuckled.

''But they're right.''

I snorted accidentally. '' Of course not. I'd be the worst girlfriend, mother, or housewife of all history. ''

Both Bella and Jacob opened their mouths.

'' Can we just change the subject?'' I almost pleaded with them.

Me. In a relationship?


I was so distractedI almost chopped a finger off. As I chopped the vegetables, a throbbing and blinding headache made its appearance in my head, and I hissed, hands clenching into fists. Bella left with Jacob for a little.

The intense and blinding headaches were becoming frequent.My hand massaged my temple to try to relieve it from the pain.It felt as if a wound pulsed into my head, a hole trying to make a bigger hole as if my skull was drilled into.

Then, my eyes caught sight of my hand and wrist.

My heart felt like it stopped beating.

Black pulsing lines appeared just underneath the skin, running along the veins, appearing and disappearing.

       Pain radiated from those black veins, and then, the air was knocked out of me, as something dripped from my nose.Blood of the same color as the night, as black as the shadows and darkness dropped from it, onto my hand, smearing it with an unnatural color.

As I wiped it off my nose, more seemed to drip. I lowered the heat of everything I was cooking and walked to the bathroom, hand over my nose.I could feel that black liquid slip between my fingers, flowing down the back of my hand. As I reached the bathroom and closed the door, locking the door, it was only then that I noticed how much of a mess I was.

Black liquid smearing the skin all around my nose, even on my lips, dripping from the lower one on my chin.

Heart thumping fast in panic, I quickly tried to shove water in my face to clean up the mess.But as I lowered my face downward, black liquid flowed out of my nose into the sink, and I began to cough harshly, my hand in front of my mouth.

After a few moments, I stopped coughing, and I removed the hand covering my mouth.

Black liquid was seeping through the gap between the fingers, my whole hand painted into blackish liquid.

What was that? What is happening to me?

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