Chapter Thirty-Four

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When I came to be, I felt pain all over my body, each thread of muscles felt like they were ripped apart, a pain like I'd never felt before. The pain was located mostly in my torso. I had troubles breathing without feeling as if my lungs were collapsing on themselves as if they were pricked by needles. My eyes fluttered open, only to see the mix of blue, red and pink in the sky.

It was dawn, the bright light of the sun coming up was filtered through the leaves of the forest, giving everything, even the fog, a pinkish-orange glow like no other, this forest almost felt safe, and I bathed in the sunlight, even if it was weaker since it was dawn.

" Ah, the sleeping bait is now awake." A masculine voice said, before I felt a breeze around me, as said vampire appeared in front of me, his skin shining like thousands of diamonds embedded in his skin, his bright ruby eyes, glaring at me with a menacing grin. The blonde hair, his face, his dark red ruby eyes peered into mine as he grabbed my neck.

The creature had a hand wrapped around my thought tightly enough I had struggled to breathe. The bloodlust and predator vibes coming off of him were insanely different than other vampires, the nomads that once attacked me and my sister.

For the first time in a  long while, I could feel fear spread through my veins at the sight of that vampire. They were both immensely resourceful vampires, him and his mate. Both were insanely strong, I could feel the difference between them and the other ones I met before. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, and his gaze fell where my heart resided inside my chest before a sadistic grin spread over his features.

My body tensed up as panic filled my veins. 

 I didn't want to die, I wanted to live. I wanted to see my younger siblings grow up, have a family of their own, I wanted to be able to get grey hair with someone by my side, as we watched our little family around us.

How ironic, me, who never felt the need to be with someone, felt it for a sliver of a second, at the face of a painful death, at the realization that I was not invincible, that I was mortal, and so easily killed.

" Your face shows nothing over what you are feeling at the moment. Interesting." He said, his grin spreading further, as his thumb brushed along the skin above my jugular vein. My heart beat increased at the gesture.

I tried to free myself, by wrapping my hands around the wrist that held me against a tree, a foot or to above the ground.I couldn't get much air inside my lungs, through my throat. My neck was grabbed too tightly to be able to breathe properly.

I tried to pull his hand away from my neck but it was no use, he was way too strong, his female companion smiled wickedly when she looked at James, her fleeting gaze fell upon me before I snarled in their direction. The red-haired leech wrapped one of her lithe arms around his waist.

" She's fierce, she's not showing, well, physically showing any fear of us.

The blonde vampire's face got closer to mine, his eyes boring into my eyes, as a predator, sadistic smile overtook his features. His full lips tilting up in a dangerous way.

" I'll use you to lure out Edward's little human girlfriend. After all, when she learns I have you, she'll do anything to get you away from me. So predictable, really."

My eyes narrowed at the threat he whispered in my ear, and I did the only thing that came to minde, once he face was again in front of mine. To give me a slim chance for anything really. A chance to escape. It probably was dumb, and I'd realize it later on, but, in the face of death, or its personification. People tend not to really think in those situations, like the people in horror movies. Might not have been my brightest moment. But hey, if it gives me a bit of an edge on the situation, who cares if it's stupid or not?

As soon as he looked away from me for a quarter of a second, I headbutted the male vampire in the face, cracks spreading from where I hit him. A few seconds later the cracks were closed, the skin healed and returned to its flawless state of before.

Before I could even think further, I kneed him into the stomach.

My father always said I picked fights with the wrong people.

Neither of those attacks made any damage to the tracker, he only smiled that dangerous, predator, terrifying smile of his, while his female red-headed mate chuckled next to him.

''­­We got ourselves a little fighter,'' She whispered in his ear, brushing her lips against his ear while glaring at me, as all his attention was on me.

Oh, please, take his attention away from me, you red-headed devil.

A second later, I was on the ground, my arm twisted in an odd way, pain radiating from my forearm with each pulse of my heartbeat that sent blood, and pain, into the injured member, as I felt it snap in the tracker's grip. The pain that invaded my whole body was insane, it was so intense, no sound escaped my opened mouth, as I dropped to my knees, the injured arm still in his grip, as I bent forward.

I grunted in pain through my teeth, but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of him seeing me in that state, my and I brought my lips in a snarl and hissed through my teeth.

The male vampire lets go of the arm he wounded and crouched down next to me, his elbows on his knees. The blond-haired bloodsucker grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him.

" No screams. Maybe I should keep you to myself... with a face like that, you could lure humans to us, if you were a vampire, after all, getting turned enhances the beauty of someone."

As soon as those dreadful words left his mouth, he brought my uninjured wrist to his mouth, while his mate held the other one tight enough I almost blacked out from the pain. A sinister smile spread on the hunter's lips before he sank his venomed teeth in my wrist, breaking the skin. As soon as his teeth reached my flesh, it felt as like fire was running through my veins, I felt the sweet hold of unconsciousness wash over me.

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