Chapter 3

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My hair whipped in the wind as did my dress, I stood in the 2-point position as Angus flew across the opened fields. Eric rode beside me but never once got in front. I came to a sudden stop and sat down in my saddle, Eric stopped after me and walked over.

"What is it?" His brow frowning.

"Oh nothing, I just needed a break" I smiled

"Hey Bell look" Eric breathed pointing behind me

I turned Angus around and looked where Eric pointed, I could see the whole castle, garden and the people's villages from here. Beyond the villages was the ocean, it was so blue and vast. Only two boats where sailing in to port.

"I've never noticed how big the castle was until now" I muttered

"Really? I've always noticed" Eric smiled

"I guess just cause I've always been inside it" I turned Angus around to face Eric.

"Wanna go get that bread? The suns almost down" Eric smirked, "Or is your heart set for sailin away, with me of course"

I let out a deep breath and gave Eric a plan look, "Both" I said then cracked a smile.

"Well then let's go!" Eric grinned and kicked Datch, he flew of down the hill we were standing on and off in the direction of the villages.

I'd only been in the villages twice when I was little, I don't remember it but Eric said I was with him.
I kicked Angus and he followed Eric to the village. 
Angus's and Datch's hooves clicked on the brick floor as we walked through the small buildings.
Some people where packing boxes away into their house while others where running around enjoying themselves.

"The bakers is this way" Eric said turning left.

I turned Angus and followed, some people looked up at us then went back to what they were doing but it felt nice not having everyone bow to you. I felt kinda normal.

"Pull up here, we have to walk the rest of the way." Eric said as he dismounted Datch.

I dismounted Angus and fixed my dress up a little. I tied Angus to a wooden fence like Eric had then quickly caught up to him, he turned and faced me, "Quick stop first"

"Okay" I smiled

We entered into a building that looked like all the rest, inside was a four seater dinning table, a kitchen, There was a wall with a door that Eric entered. I snuck in behind him and saw two beds, one empty and one with Eric's mother sitting up in knitting.

"Hey mum" Eric smiled walking up to his mother in bed

"My dear boy! How have you been? Wait why are you still not at the ball?" She blabbers away then looked over at me, "Isabel! How good to see you"

"Like wise" I smiled walking over

Eric's mum had white short curly hair, wrinkly olive skin with lots of freckles, she wore her night gown and was kitting something blue.

"We just wanted to pop in and say hey, then where off to watch the sun go down" Eric smiled and kissed his mums forehead.

"That's nice dears, do have a great time" she smiled returning to her kitting

"Bye" I waved as Eric and I walked out.

"She dose look better" I said walking next to Eric

"Told ya" Eric winked at me

I took a deep breathe in as I smelt the fresh bread from the bakers.

"Awh it smells so good" I smiled

"You wait here, I'll get the bread" Eric smirked and walked across the road to the backers. I watched him as he walked into the shop, talked for a moment then walked out with the biggest grin on his face.
He was holding one large loaf of bread.

"Nice work" I smirked

"Shall we go, before he notices" Eric smiled waving the bread in his hand

I nodded and we walked back to our horses.
As I was untying Angus from the fence I heard the faint sound of crying, I turned around to see a little girl sitting in another area beyond the ally way. I stepped away from Angus and started to walk over to her.
I felt someone's hand on my arm pulling me back, I turned to see Eric shaking his head.

"That's how Thieves stalk their prey, they use an innocent child as bait then when someone goes to help them they attack" Eric frowned as he pulled me back to Angus.

"Oh" I breathed looking back at the girl. I turned to Angus and jumped up on the saddle. Eric tucked the bread in his coat then buttoned up a few buttons so it didn't fly around everywhere.
We walked out of the village and raced back to the hill.

Angus laid behind me while Datch ate the grass, Eric pulled out the bread and ripped it in half, I grabbed one half as Eric took a large bite out of his.
I smelt the bread then pulled off a piece and ate it.

"Tastes as good as it smells" I smiled eating more

"You got that right" Eric grinned

"So what do you want to do when your older?" I asked

"Probably become a guard, then fight my way up so I can be your guard, so we can still be together." Eric smiled, "What about you?"

"You know what I have to become" I raised my brow

"But if you weren't a princess" Eric shrugged

"Hmm, a working girl" I said looking down, I glanced over at Eric who went red. "I'm kidding!!" I grinned nudging his shoulder.

"You had me goin there for a moment" Eric smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hah" I breathed, "I don't know what there is to become, if I wasn't a princess"

"Well there's lots of things!" Eric smirked, "A baker, a maid, a farmer, a baby sitter, there always looking for someone to do that, um a tailor, waitress, bar maid- should I go on?"

"No it's quite okay, I wouldn't be able to do those things anyway"

"That's true" Eric cracked a smile

I nudged him, "That's not what your supposed to say, your supposed to say, 'You can do anythin bell, If ya just put your mind to it" I said deepened my voice to sound like Eric .

He laughed, "Sorry, I'm not good with Inspirational words" Eric scratched the back of his head.

"That's okay" I smiled then ate another piece of my bread. "Look the sun" I said looking over all the colours in the sky. Oranges, reds, pinks, purples and blues filled the evening sky as the sun slowly dropped down behind the horizon.
"Arhg she's beautiful" I smiled admiring the sunset

"Yeah, she is" Eric looked down at me, his face was so close to mine, where we about to kiss? After 16 whole years we where finally going to kiss.
Our first kiss.
I heard a neigh from Angus as he stood up knocking both Eric and I.
Our moment broke and I stood up to calm Angus down.

"Wooh boy" I breathed grabbing onto his reins. I patted his muzzle and Angus calmed.
I looked down at Eric who was watching the sun again.
I rested my forehead on Angus and shook my head.

"We should go, mother will be wondering where I am, again." I said looking at the castle.

"Sure, I'll drop you there" Eric said standing and grabbing onto Datch.

I mounted onto Angus at the same time as Eric then we made our way home.

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