Chapter 23

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A few days past after finding out about my family lineage, Eric had been getting really good at his fighting ability and I could see he was ready for tomorrow.

"My Lady?" I heard the designers voice and quickly looked away from the window, I was watching Eric practice.

"Sorry yes?" I frowned, I forgot what we were walking about.

"What colour do you prefer?" The designer asked holding out two sheets of almost Identical light creamy colours, but to her it must look different.

"Um.. That one" I pointed to the sheet of material in her left hand.

"Of corse my Lady, and what type and colours for your flower Bouquet?" She asked jotting down nots into her little note book.

"Full of different shades of purple flowers" I nodded and the designer wrote it in her book.

"Thank you, my Lady" the designer stood up and so did I, "I will be taking my leave"

"Yes, thanks for coming" I smiled as the guard escorted her out.

I sat back down in he arm chair and looked out the window back to Eric. I told him I'd try and stop the wedding but I cant let my kingdom fall behind.

Eric was sparing with one of the top guards, I watched as he knocked the guards sword out of his hands and pointed his sword to the guards throat.

"Well done" I whispered smirking to myself.

"Ah, my Lady, your wedding dress designer is here to see you" The guard said then a younger woman than the last entered. She wore a green dress and had her black hair tied into a bold crown around her head, with a few stray strands.

I stood up as she walked over and I gestured to the seat across from me. We both sat down after she curtsied,
"Its a pleasure to meet you your majesty, and its an honour to be designing your dress for my Lady" then she opened her drawing book.

"Pleasure is all mine" I smiled and sat back in the chair

"So what type of style where you think of my Lady?" She asked holding her pencil to her paper.

"Something soft to touch, but not silk. I would like it to wrap around my shoulders and to run down my arms ending in a 'V' shape over the top of my hand.

"Would you like your chest piece to be a corset?" She asked drawing in her book

"Ah, n- yes please" I said looking out the window and saw the knights sparing again.

As the designer sketched the dress I continued explaining of how I envisioned the dress. "For the shirt, I would like to have it floor length but longer at the back so it drags on the ground behind me"

"Any frills? They are very popular at the moment"

"No thank you, just soft waved running through the dress" I smiled, "And an extra layer on top made from lace"

"A veil?"

"Yes but not to cover my face, Id like it to clip onto the back of my head"

"Of corse, and I know I wont be doing your hair but I would like to know how you plan to have it, so I can adjust the veil"

"Sure, I was thinking soft curls that wrap from side to side of my head and get smaller down near my ends, also curled strands falling from around my face" I smiled

"Sounds wonderful and I will be able to clip your veil onto the top curl." She said turning a page in her drawing book. "Shoes my Lady?"

"No, I will be wearing my mothers shoes as they have past down from all my mothers"

The women then handed me her book and I flipped through the pages, she had drawn everything to how I imagined it. "Your an amazing artist" I smiled looking over my sketched dress.

"Thank you my Lady an do you like the design? I can change anything if you don't like it" she asked as I handed her back the drawing book.

"No no, its all absolutely perfect"

"Thank you my Lady" she blushed, "So what colour for your dress?"

"White, definitely" I smiled and nodded

"Thank you my Lady, I will have your dress in by next week" she stood up and curtsied again.

"Thanks" I stood up again then the designer was escorted our of the room

After she left I looked out the window again and saw everyone walking away from practice. I walked myself out to the gardens and saw Eric sitting on the bench watching the sky.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I grinned sitting beside him.

"Good" he smirked, "Im just worried about tomorrow"

"Your better than you think" I reached up and kissed Eric's cheek.



The day of the tournament finally arrived and while I ate breakfast by myself, everyone was preparing in their own ways.
After I finished I headed out ti the court yard where the tournament was being held.

"Your majesty" a knight from the East bowed and kissed the top of my hand.

"Good luck today" I smiled

"Thank you my Lady" he smiled then walked away.

I walked up and sat down on my chair that looked over the whole arena.

I saw mini and she saw me, she walked up and stood beside me as the audience filled the empty seats.

I saw Eric over by the knights tents, he was watching the large crowd of people. Eric caught me looking at him and I gave him a thumbs up, he smirked and shook his head then an older man walked into the middle of the arena.

"Lady's and Gentlemen, our knights from all over the land and of course, your highness Princess Isabella. Today you are witnesses to the strength of all the knights battles, the winner of these battles will be awarded 2000 gold pieces and the honour of a true knight." The crowd roared with excitement then quiet down as the man started speaking again. "Also on this day we will see those of this kingdom who will fight for the Princess's 1st knight in hand." The man yelled out so all could hear and they did as they cheered again.  "Let the battle begin!"

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