Lion the Trip

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Once upon a time...
You were in a store buying cakes and wine. That day you promised to the twins-not-twins to spend the evening in their house ONLY IF they behaved and they didn't any bondage.
An hour later (it tooks so long 'cause tha pie have to be purfect) you finally went to their home. *dingdong* "I'm here mothafukas!" You screamed with a billion of plastic bags in hands.

Virus opened the door and invited you in. When you entered, you saw Trip on the sofa with tons of Dvds on the table. Virussu took the bags and you immediately walked over the table to find all horror films. Oh yeah.

You people prepared the living room and you turned off all the lights (and the allmates... they're evil). You were sitting between Virussu and Trippu. You started to see It, then Scream and other classics.

At a certain time, you looked at Trippu and he was all scared and he was clutching tightly your hand, then you looked at Virussu and he was shivering in a little spot on the sofa. Ah you should've known...

After a while you put the twins-not-twins in Virussu's bed and you covered them with a big fluffy blanket. "Well... Time to go home." You were thinking but suddenly Trippu took your hand. "(name)-san, I can't sleep..." he said with his sexy voice (I like Trip's voice). You sat near him sighing. "Why?" You asked even if you already knew. "You think It's gonna trasform in Virussu and then he kisses me?" He asked. You watched him for a while whit a face like: 'Bitch is u drunk?'
"No senpie (no, not Aobacake but Trippu), It will never do that." You said. "How do you know!? What if It is Awba!?" "T-Trippu It doesn't exist." "HOW.DO.YOU.KNOW." If you continued like that, nothing will be resolved...

"Listen here, senpie..." You said changing your tone in something sweeter. "Let's say that It does exist..." "Y-yeah?" "Like any other bad guy, he has an antagonist, right?" "Oh! Continue!" "His antagonist is-" "A LION!!!" "Yup, a lion... And his name is-" "TRIPPU" "... Trippu... He can defeat It by-" "Stabbing his butt with a baguette if you and Trip don't fucking go away." Suddenly said Virus... Maybe he wasn't so scared and he didn't want company...

Sooooo... Now the avengers have another hero...

Trippu: wtf is this shit?
Le me: wut QnQ u don't liek my stories too?
Trippu: girl, why did you say to the wide world my greatest fear!?

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