Aoba's not gay.

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Le me: yo Awba!
Aoba: Ho... How did you enter in my friggin' house!?
Le me: One of your boyfriends is a skillful stalker, so...
Aoba:... My boyfriends? I don't have boyfriends!
Le me: bitch please.
Aoba: Really, Ciacci. I don't have boyfriends!!!
Le me: yeah and I'm Sly.
Aoba: Fuck you! And fuck you people! Why everyone say that I'm gay!? I wish to have a normal life so, why!?"
Le me: AND I WISH THAT THIS SATANIC GAME HAD SEI'S ROUTE. But that's not gonna happen.
Aoba:... C-chill...
Le me:*runs away in oval tower to mama Sei*
I want mama Sei... If I could, once I become the king(or more accurately, Queen) of making games, I would do something about that. YOU HEAR ME NITRO+ !?

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