All yo husbandos challenge.

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So, I wanted to celebrate the 40th story on this perverted and hilarious shit with a challenge that I myself came up. I hope not many others did this. And after this idea I think I'm a fucking masochist.

Long story short, I'm going to list ALL my husbandos that are not only from dmmd and I'm gonna say why I like them. You don't even care for this shit probably 😂 But imma gonna do it bc yes. This is gonna take a month maybe 😧

Warning: some spoilers.
Sei: We all know it. I always liked sweet and gentle guys, probably because I never found someone in real life that would treat me gently. I seem all cold but it's simple to make my momma-bear instincts kick in. I actually fell in love with him when I first heard his voice.
Would fok 8/10
Would pat 9/10
Would marry 10/10

Trip: Yes, insane, right? I'm not part of those fans that are like "OH PLS TRIP RAPE ME WITH UR BIG LION WINK WINK" 😂 I love those kind of fans btw. I actually like the strange relationship he has with Virus and he reminds me of myself and the relationship I have with my best friend, sometimes mentioned in those stories. Not that we rape people, thank you. He actually was added in my husbando list when I heard his husky voice in the re:connect.
Like, OH LORD.
Would fok 7/10
Would pat 9/10
Would marry 6/10

Mink: Yep, no jokes here. Mink too. If I was Awba I would kick his ass but if I was Mink I would probably do the same shit he did. So ye, I understand that poor bastard. And yo, he soooooo frigging cute and sexy in the re:connect. AND. HIS. FUCKING. HAIR.
Would fok 9/10
Would pat 10/10
Would marry 8/10

Now, from where do I even start?

Marlon Brando (From 'Jojo's bizarre adventures'): Why in the fuck did people decide that a bad guy's nickname would be 'God' but in italian? Everytime someone shouts a bad word like 'bastard' before or after Dio... For us it's a BLASPHEMY and I find it HILARIOUS. I love him because he crazy af and that's actually it. He makes me laugh so much. JOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Would fok 9/10
Would pat 9/10
Would marry 7/10

Undertaker or Adrian (From 'Black butler'): He's actually my first husbando ever, and I'm not one of those that liked him when he showed his handsomeness. I liked him even before. Ye, me likey sum crazy bitches. And actually, my first fanart and fanfic ever was on him!! We can say he's my first😂 I love when crazy people have deep stories behind them. And beautiful green eyes. AND. FUCKING. LONG. HAIR.
Would fok 10/10
Would pat 10/10
Would marry 9/10

Sakurai Kouichi (From 'Tmgs4'): He's actually from a game that ruined my existence. Sadly guys like him don't exist or I'm extremely unlucky... Or only in Italy they're all pussies. Every time I wanted to take another route, I always ended up redoing his. I like everything from his character, even the smallest details. *Whispers* And he's sooo cute! AHEM I didn't say anything.
Would fok 9/10
Would pat 10/10
Would marry 9/10

Christopher Weatherfield (From 'Tmgs2'): Do I really have to say it? Sweet, dork, hilarious, artist, DAMN. LONG. HAIR.
Would fok 8/10
Would pat 10/10(He litterally loves pats on his head omg)
Would marry 8/10

Haru (From 'No, thank you!!!'): He's my bro, hateful hands off! Most people think this yaoi-game is just some porn but it's not. The story is so damn deep... And there is porn... Btw I guess I really loved his personal story too. And I don't only like his personality but his actual design too. Kinda tanned skin, blue eyes, dark hair... That's not extremely long, but I love his messy ponytail and his tattoos. He crazy but deep.....................................
.................................................................... In everyone's ass, like how in the fuck boi!?
Would fok 10/10(he gud at fok)
Would pat 8/10
Would marry 7/10

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