Noiz solves my love problems

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Be me, sitting in the livingroom alone.

Lie down on the couch, looking at the white ceiling.

Start to think of a past date.

It happened just two days ago.

It was complete shit.


Think about the girl.

She was a slut.

My serious personality had a crisis.

Noiz enters and sits on the ground, in front of the sofa.

Too sexy for the sofa.


He starts to type on his computer.

Me curious.

But sad.

Noiz just keeps on minding his goddamn business.

But not me.

Sit on the ground.

Near that sexy beast.


See just a bunch of scripts.

Not my lucky day.

Noiz stares.

He tells something in german.

Change my locale.

Now I understand.

'Why the long face?'

He was asking with a poker face.

Die inside a little more.

Like every other moment when I have to express my feelings.

Noiz understands.

He nods knowingly.

He gives me some pats.


Noiz stares again.


He laughs.

'Now, what's wrong?'

Noiz asks.

Explain it all.

That fucking hoe...

Noiz nods knowingly again.

Look at him hopefully.

'I know what to do.'

He stated.

He got up.

My face in front of his magic wand.


He opens the zip.


Noiz throws away his pants.

Gapes at Noiz's reproduction area.(lol)

That was fast.

'It's a magic wand after all.' -cit. Noiz

Start to question how Noiz knows what I'm writing.

He just tries to pull off his underpants in a sexy way.

He TRIPped over DRAMATICALly..

Noiz's head is bleeding.


Trip tries to hide the little string across the room.

Beat myself over for the shitty joke.

Virus enters.

'Why the long face?'

He asked me.

Die inside a little, again.


'I know what to do!'

He stated too.

Goodbye Virus' pants.

Noiz's magic wand is better.

Virus TRIPped DRAMATICALly too.

Trip starts to cry.

His string was not meant to do that.

He run to Virus.

Trip TRIPped too.

Clear enters.

'Why the long face?'

He asked too

Brace myself.


He just laugs cutely.

And he removes his pants.

But he TRIPped.

Mink enters alarmed.

But notices me first.

'Why the fucking long face?'


Explain because.

And there went the pants.

Mink TRIPped.

Start to half cry half laugh.

So many gay poses there.

Finally had idea on how to return happy.

Walk to my special place.


Dead for five good minutes.

Played poker with God and Satan.

Return to life.

Write about this shit.

So uh... Yeah 😂

I am feeling a little sad and now there are more shitty stories on the internet.

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