Noiz x waitress (with a beautiful surprise for you)

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So, today I had lunch with my mother and her boyfriend and we went to a Japanese reastaurant. There was a waitress, she wasn't really beautifull but I think she was cute anyway, all shy and smiley(?). After a while I noticed her by the window with a melancholic face and when she talked to us she seemed a sad person. At the same time I noticed a woman that looked like my prof of economics. AND SOMEHOW I WAS THINKING AT THE SHIT BELOW.
One day you, Noiz and me, were going to a Japanese restaurant for a change. A little waitress welcomed us and with a poker face she leaded our group in a tamble for three. "Aw she's so cute~" I said when the waitress walked away. "The same pervert as ever..." commented the German kid. "Ciacci, I start to think that you're gay..." you said. I looked at you but I didn't say anything. We eventually started to order but Noiz was silent. "Wat'cha lookin'?" I said (because my inglish is over 9000) but the boy was still silent. We two watched what he was looking and we saw the waitress by the window looking out with a melancholic face. In the same time a woman entered but no-one was giving a shit. The waitress looked around and we three simultaneously covered our faces with the menus.

Suddenly a voice called me. I lowered the menu and it was my prof. "H-hi..." I wavered my hand and she went away. After a while we started to eat and Noiz returned to look at the woman by the window. Suddenly he stood up and walked to her and they started to chat. "Tch look at him... Mr. Noiz the womanizer" I said. Now that you and me were alone you spoke to me. "H-hey Ciacci..." "Yeah, my cinnamon bun?" You blushed "Ah..." "What is it?" I asked you amused. I really like to make people blush and you knew that. "I... I want you Ciacci!" "What!?".

That 'what' wasn't mine, it was my prof's, she was listening to our conversation. The woman stood up and she took me in his arms bridal-style "I will never leave her in other girl's hands!!!" She screamed triumphantly. "P-prof-sama... I... In all this time I was thinking that you hate me!!!" I said crying. "Of course not my beloved." Said my prof and with a rainbow- coming out of I dunno- we flew away somewhere far away.
Call a psychologist for meh~

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