The bitch is back 😧

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Le me: *Enters tha house like a pimp* Yo.
Awba:Woah! Who tha fuck are you!?
Le me: What do ya mean boi? U want to pick a fight, ah!?
Koujaku:*Alarm noise* AWBA'S ASS IS IN DANGER!
Mink:*Appears from behind the couch and rolls over pointing a pistol at me*
Koujacket:*Rolls down the stairs and takes his looooong swoooord (Katana...)*
German kid:*Still traumatized from when he hacked my pc and saw... Things*
Mizuki:*No-one still knows he's there*
Toue:*Is somewhere marrying my tree*
Clear:*Jumps off from somewhere and dies DRAMAtically.*
Sly:*Watching porn in Awba's brain*
Le me:Uhm...
Sei:Omg Ciacci-san!! *Hugs me*
Le me: T-T Mama... I'm back.
Mink: Mh... (From Mink' Oh... Hey!)
Le me: Oh I missed you babies so much this year!
Ren:Aw we missed u too!
Noiz:Well... Our fans didn't.
Le me: Y?
Noiz:U traumatized em all. EVEN IF U WEREN'T UPDATING ANYMORE!
Le me: Well... But I am back.
Clear:*Still ded*
Mink:Dang he had a vibrator-mode too :c
Virus:Wassup... Who dis!?
Le me:I brought u cake.
Virus:Ciacci!? Woah u so different...
Le me:I am...
Awba:Ur hair not dyed...
Koujacket:U wear formal clothing!?
Mink:And... U seem more sassy...?
Clear:*Still ded*
Sei:But it seems u still need many hugs.
Le me:Oh yas mama, hug every inch of me.
Virus:Aaannnddd... She seems more perverted...
Trip:Me liek that.
Le me:Yeah I changed...
*Everyone looked at me*
Le me:For the better or the worst... I cannot say.
Awba:*Sits down preoccupied*
Le me:I was sad to go away and... To not share my fantasies here...
Mink:*Puts an hand on his chest listening intently*
Le me:I was sad to not make people laugh with our stories.
Clear:*Still ded but listening interested*
Le me:I had to give up for a while my little ray of hope. Yeah, writing kept me from falling in a dark and cramped space called loneliness.
Le me:I had to because... I needed to start to make my future. A really bright future. A future with something that I'm really good at.
Noiz:*crys silently while nodding his head*
Le me:So... Thanks to this 3D art school, I'm not just brightening my life... I learned that not all people are bad. And I don't feel so lonely anymore and I feel that I'm worth something.
Ren:*Wipes a tear* I'm so proud.
Sei: I'm so happy for you, Ciacci-san!! So you will do like characters for games!?
Le me:Yes...But I want to do games that will make people understand a variety of difficulties that people have and they never speak about them too, but...
*Everyone wait patiently*
Le me:Meh if i can't do that I will be a porn-star, my qualities are limited.
*Everyone goes away*
Le me:W-what!? Where are all ya goin!? I-it's because I talked too long!? Oh man...
Yes, I'm back but I will update slowly anyway, school is not finished. I was so happy to se the comments in all my stories. Love u all.

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