Missing Nin

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Hello! Chapter two is here. I has lots of free time apprently -.-.   Anyways, enjoy! If you want to cry, listen to the song I put while reading this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto had decided. He was going to leave the leaf village, Konoha, to travel the world. Hinata cheating on him had been the final push that made Naruto come to the conclusion that he going to...become a missing nin. Kakashi definitely wouldn't let him go without a fight, including his friends. And Naruto knew he couldn't live with being cooped up in this village, it would drive him mad. Naruto wasn't planning on becoming part of groups like Pein, so he decided to become a missing nin.

Naruto arrived at his apartment door and just stared at it for a few moments, before entering with a sigh. He should pack now and leave under the cover of the night. It would make it easier for Naruto to get a head-start and get safely to a town or village. He padded towards his room on auto-pilot and packed almost as though he wasn't there. Several pairs of clothes, two pairs of shinobi sandals, all of his money, and all of his instant ramen. Ramen was all he ate now-a-days anyway.

Sitting heavily on his bed, his hands shook in front of him. It was his desicion, but it still hurt. Leaving the only home he knew in his life, it was his hell for twelve years and his sanctuary for the rest. Clenching his hands, Naruto willed his hands to stop shaking and he felt the tears run down his cheeks. He rubbed them away with a new firmness. Pulling on his usual jumpsuit and pants, Naruto pulled on a black coat to cover the bright orange. Grabbing a piece of paper from his drawer and a pen, Naruto started writing a letter to all his friends.

'Dear everyone,

If you're reading this it means I have already left and I'm on my way to traveling the world. You can label me a missing min or an enemy shinobi, but please remember that I'm not gonna hurt anybody if I have to. I'm sorry for not telling you guys before hand, but I knew none of you would let me go without a fight.

To Sasuke, hey teme. I want you to know that you were like a brother to me and I know you're going to be cursing me when you read this. Don't give up your dream of becoming anbu, I know it means a lot to you. And don't worry about me, teme. See ya around, maybe.

To Sakura, hey forehead. Hehe, sorry. I know you and Sasuke are getting married soon and I congratulate you, I hope it's awesome! Don't go running after me either, 'cause I don't wanna die by fear of your wrath. Hehehe.

To Iruka, my older brother figure I never had. I'm sorry you're third in this letter, but I know Sasuke and Sakura would be PISSED if they don't get first. I loved you the most, because you were the one who acted as though we were family even though you didn't have too. You were the first person, besides Jiji-San, that recognized me as a human being and I appreciated that, so I love you Iruka!

To Kakashi, hi sensei. Sorry you're last in this letter, but I believe Iruka would kill me if I put him last. Hehehe. I know you've probably already sent shinobi after me and I can't stop that, but I don't plan on coming back to Konoha. I don't know what your dream is and I'm sure you've achieved it if you did, but if you didn't I wish you luck. You weren't always there, but you tried your hardest to take care of us, and I know sometimes we were hard to handle and I thank you for putting up with us.

Goodbye everyone,
                                    From Naruto'

Naruto let determination rule him as picked up his bag and disappeared in the night, running over rooftops and hiding his chakra. It was time to get going and travel like Pervy Sage did, maybe he will start a book series. Yeah right, him writing pervert books? No way! Naruto started to snicker at the mental image, but he felt the tears trail down his cheeks at the thought of Jiriya.

Wiping them away, Naruto continued hopping across rooftops, rapidly approaching the wall that seprated Konoha and the rest of the world. Naruto changed angles on how he approached the wall, searching for an area that wasn't guarded. Bingo, he had found the perfect spot. Naruto stopped and crouched, pulling the hood of his black coat over his blonde hair. Timing the guards on each round, Naruto succeeded in jumping over the wall and he somehow felt free as he started running at full speed to the next village over, he had stole a map from Sasuke a month back.

'Here we go,' Naruto thought, a familiar presence making it itself known in his head. 'Me and Kurama together.'

Wellllll, I hope you like it. I hope the letter wasn't too long and next chapter will be in Kakashi's POV, well like it'll stay in third person since I suck at first person but it like spectates one person. I hope you understand what I'm saying ;-; Anyways, ciao!


P.S. I was listening to 'Life in Color' by OneRepublic while writing this so you should try reading it while listening to that song, it'll make you cry. I'm serious, I had tears streaming down my face as I wrote this. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ;-; ;-;

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