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Hello. Part 7 is here! But you guys know I try to post like atleast two chapters each day, be glad I AM a dedicated writer!...mostly. Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or else Kakashi and Naruto would have ended up together. :(

Kakashi had just arrived in town, hot on Naruto's trail, and he asked around and some people told him that the blonde had been heading towards a clothing shop. He had hadn't sleep in more than twenty-four (24) hours and it was starting to wear him down, their was bags under his eyes from restless nights and nightmares about Naruto dying. He hadn't had a decent night's of sleep since he left Konoha.

He had just entered the shop that people had pointed out earlier and he saw that there was a man in black, cropped pants, a grey long-sleeved shirt, a black vest, grey shinobi sandals, grey shin, knee, elbow, and arm guards, red gloves, and with a black cloak on. The man looked familiar, but Kakashi couldn't find out why, he had blond hair but that was all Kakashi could see because his back was to him. Kakashi shook it off and headed towards the shopkeeper, going to ask him if hes seen Naruto.

"Have you seen this man?" The copy-nin asked, flashing the team seven photo at him. "I'm searching for the blond. His name is Naruto Uzumaki."

The shopkeeper looked at the photo and then back at Kakashi, before looking over at the other man standing in the shop. "That's him right there," the shopkeeper spoke, pointing at the man.

Kakashi stared at the man as he looked up in surprise, and Kakashi and Naruto stared each other in the face, trying to gauge each other's actions. See if they were real, if the other one was just an illusion or a hallunication.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked softly, waiting for Naruto to reply, answer, anything. "Is that you?"

Naruto opened his mouth to speak and then closed it, afraid he was going to say something wrong. Why do you say to your ex-sensei when you ran away and then they find you a month later? It was absurd, Naruto didn't want anyone to worry for his well being and for them to continue living their lives.

The two shinobi stare at each other until finally the shopkeeper nervously states, "If you're not going to shop, then you better leave."

Naruto nodded and gathered his clothes, shoving it in his bag next to Kurama. He quickly ran out the shop, leaving Kakashi dumbstruck before he took off after him. Kakashi wanted- no, needed to talk to the blond. Naruto continued to run until he was out of the town and Kakashi followed him, where they emerged into a small clearing in the forest. Naruto stopped and turned to Kakashi with an unreadable expression.

"Why did you follow me Kakashi?" Naruto finally asked, his posture tense and ready to fight.

Because I love you. "You were my student, how could I let you leave?" Kakashi shot back, shaking slightly from the overflow of emotions, joy, anger, pity, hope, and others, and from not sleeping in twenty-four (24) hours. "I wanted to be there for you, but I was always so busy and I never had free time."

Naruto said nothing, instead turning his back on the copy-nin and getting ready to leave.

"Wait, Naruto!" Kakashi shouted, grabbing Naruto's arm before he could run away. "Just...please listen."

Naruto's eyes widened when Kakashi said this and he looked at the man with surprise, "Why did you follow me? I told all of you I wasn't planning on coming back to Konoha."

"I know," Kakashi spoke softly, loosening his grip on Naruto's arm just in case the blond wanted to leave. He didn't. "I'm not here to bring you back to Konoha." I'm not allowed back there anymore anyway, I'm missing nin.

"Then, why?" Naruto was confused, nobody cared for a monster like him. A demon.

"Because you're my student and..." Kakashi trailed off and looked away, embarrassed at revealing anything.

"What?" Naruto asked softly, turning towards the copy-nin.

"I love you," Kakashi whispers, pulling down his mask in a fluid movement and kissing the blond.

Naruto's eyes widen in shock, before letting his eyes close and kiss back. Kakashi pulls away with a smile and their foreheads press together, but the moments ruined when a wave of dizziness hits the copy-nin and he passes out.

Before he falls unconscious, Kakashi thinks, 'Shit. It was worth going twenty-fours without sleep for that one kiss.'

Hehehe. Hope you enjoyed, this chapter was abit shorter than the others and I'm sorry that Kurama didn't get to do anything except sleep. Lazy fox -.-  anyway, see you next chapter or part or whatever. Ciao!


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