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Hello guys! Part 18 here! I've been trying to update faster but my schedule is really jacked up. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Kakashi and Naruto had a game of rock-paper-scissors, and Kakashi lost, so he had to go get the supplies. It was after midnight now, and they were waiting at the edge of the forest for 'Sasuke'.

"He's taking his sweet time," Naruto grumbled, his foot twitched and twiddling his thumbs together out of nervousness.

"He is," Kakashi silently agreed, his keen eyes taking in everything around them.

It wasn't until around half an hour later did 'Sasuke' sneak out of the gates and start walking down a path going from Konoha. Kakashi and Naruto shared a glance before hiding their chakra signature and racing after him. It was going to be a long night.

20 Minutes Later

'Sasuke' had finally stopped at an abandoned base of Orochimaru's. It was an older base that had been infiltrated Years ago. Naruto and Kakashi shared a quick glance at each other before slipping in after him. It didn't take long for their eyes to adjust to the darkness and stop in shock at what they were seeing.

'Sasuke' was standing in the center of the room and five anbu were standing in front of him saluting towards their possessed Hokage. Kakashi silently hissed and pulled his younger lover closer with Kurama in his arms. They watched as 'Sasuke' ordered the anbu around.

"You," 'Sasuke' would hiss at one of the anbu every five minutes. "I want you to infiltrate Suna village and assassinate Gaara."

"You," He hissed again. "You're going to assassinate the elders."

This kept on going on until he gave all five of them missions. Kakashi and Naruto went paler and paler at each mission 'Sasuke' gave them. He had planned this out to make it look like each village was attacking each other and trying to take each other out. Kakashi subconsciously squeezed his lover closer out of nerves.

"Kakashi, I think we should get out of here," Naruto whispered into Kakashi's ear, so he wasn't heard. "It looks like they're about to leave and they will see us."

Kakashi nodded and they shinshunned out of there. Naruto frowned up at his lover and borrowed his face into his chest with Kurama squished in between them. Kakashi frowned as well and dragged his fingers through Naruto's hair to soothe him. Kakashi sighed and picked the blond up bridal style and carried him to their camp.

"So," Naruto inquired quietly as they sat around the fire. "How are we going to stop Orochimaru?"

"I don't know yet," Kakashi responded just as quietly. They had to stop five different anbu before they started the Fifth Great Shinobi war. "I'll think of something. But we should get some sleep."

Naruto frowned and glared at Kakashi, "We need to stop them now! Who knows when they're going to attack the other villages!"

Kakashi grabbed Naruto and pulled over his stomach, efficiently silencing him. "I know," Kakashi buried his face into his lover's soft hair. "But we need our energy when we stop them."

Naruto was silent, but sighed quietly and melted against Kakashi. He knew he was right, but he didn't want Orochimaru to win. Kurama climbed up onto Kakashi's stomach as well and curled underneath his chin.

"Hey, Kakashi-" Naruto started but was cut off by Kakashi's kiss and a quiet, "Good night."

Naruto sighed and replied, "Good night."

Sorry this is so short. But I need suggestions on how Kakashi and Naruto are going to get Orochimaru out of Sasuke and how they are going to stop the five anbu. But I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next chapter! Ciao, my beloved readers and fellow writers!


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