Naruto's Journey

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I decided that I'm going to waste my free time on the bus to write this story for all you people interested in this story. I have to wake up at 4:30 every morning. 😓😓 Anyways enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Naruto had been gone from Konoha for a day now and he was seated in a cave besides a small town. He had already bought some supplies from the small town and he was resting against the wall of the cave, some dying embers were infront of him. Naruto stretched out and fell to his side, letting himself relax as the glow of the sun reflected across the rock. It was peaceful, he thought before he heard a twig snap outside his cave.

Jerking upright, he wondered if they already found him. Frowning, he decided 'no they couldn't have found him' because he had ran at full speed towards this town, which was faster than any shinobi in Konoha. Sneaking towards the mouth of the cave and pressed firmly to the side, Naruto saw that is was just a baby fox, a kit. He blinked and then frowned as the baby kit saw him and gave a yip, before running towards Naruto.

'Uhhh, Kurama,' Naruto reached out towards the beast inside him. 'I need your help.'

'What is it, kit?' Kurama asked, yawning since he had just woke up. 'Did someo- oh. Well, it's a baby fox. Wow. Where are we anyway?'

'In a small town,' Naruto responded as the baby fox came up to him and started pulling on his pant leg with his teeth. 'What is he doing?'

'Hmm,' Kurama seemed to be thinking, which irritated Naruto, who picked up the small fox. 'He seems to think you're his father...or mother. Which ever one.'

Naruto froze when the small fox snuggled into his arms, 'Wait. Can like two guy foxes have...a kit?'

'Well hmm,' Kurama seemed to be blushing and Naruto started laughing as he sat back down with the small fox in his arms. 'Yes. In a way, the carrier fox needs to be strong and atleast have some chakra, or else the kit will die in their belly. Umm...this is embarrassing. They have to use a special justu that only foxes learn, which I would think humans would accept, but I don't know.'

Naruto had stopped laughing and just nodded, giving the baby fox in his arms a smile. 'You know, he looks a lot like you, Kurama.'

'Are you implying that's my child?' Kurama asked dryly, which caused Naaruto to give a hearty laugh and the young fox was startled. 'Or wa-please don't tell me you're going to name him Kurama.'

'Yep!' Naruto replied cheerfully, hugging the small kit in his lap. "Welcome to your new family, Kurama!"

A groan escaped Kurama and a giggle came from Naruto. 'I'm gonna call you Kyuu,' Naruto said to Kurama, the one sealed inside him.

'Oh my. I already hate the name,' Kyuu responded, groaning at the stupid name Naruto gave him.

Naruto ignored the sulking demon fox and turned his attention to the small fox in front of him, "Hello Kurama. Where's your parents?"

Kurama responded with a yip and he wiggled out of Naruto's grasp, which made him smile. Kurama started gesturing with his head for Naruto to follow him. Naruto played along and picked up his bag and put out the dying embers of the fire, following the hyperactive fox. Kurama led the blond away from the town and over various hills, probably towards the young fox's parents. Finally, they arrived at the mouth of a small den, Kurama squeezing in and Naruto was confused on how he was supposed to fit. Kurama fixed that by popping back out with a big fox behind him, it was a female, Kyuu told him.

"Hello," Naruto said softly, taking a seat in front of the family of two. "Is this your mother, Kurama?"

Naruto got a yip in response and the female fox delicately padded over and sniffed the blond. Interesting, indeed.

'The female fox accepts you,' Kyuu spoke, seeming shocked. 'That's good or else she probably would have killed you.'

'Ya,' Naruto answered, scooting himself closer and the female fox limped over and licked his hand. 'Is she hurt?'

'It looks like she was badly injured,' Kyuu growled lowly, sounding mad. 'Probably poachers trying to get rare fox hide.'

Naruto didn't respond, choosing to silently pet the female fox, who was obviously dying. 'She isn't going to make it, is she?'

'No, she isn't,' Kyuu agreed. 'She was probably looking for someone to protect her young kit. Looks like she choose you to become his guardian. Congratulations, kit.'

Naruto freaked out and started yelling at Kyuu in his mind, 'Wait! I don't know to take of a kit! I'm on the run, how am I supposed to protect and watch over him?'

'I don't know, don't ask me,' Kyuu grumbled, yawning. 'Though if you hurt the poor kit, I will maim you.'

Naruto shuddered and picked up and the young kit, cradling it to his chest. This is...unexpected.

Hope you enjoyed! It took awhile to finish. I might do the next chapter in the kit's POV. Maybe. Anyway, ciao!


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