I resign

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Hello. Chapter 5 is here. :). Anyways, I just had a dentist surgery thing. Had a bracket connected to an impacted tooth (adult tooth that's not angled correctly and could ruin my other teeth if it comes down wrong) and was under laughing gas. Hehehe, maybe I'll write a story about the experience if you guys wanna know how it feels. I think I fell asleep during the middle of it and I had a déjà vu moment in the middle of the surgery thing too so I was sorta freaked out. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or else you would see a bunch of jacked up shit.

Kakashi pulled himself out of bed, a headache forming. He had to much sake last night, he now had an extreme hangover. His head was pounding as he stumbled towards his kitchen to pull open drawers, searching for painkillers. Pulling out drawers and rifling through medicines he finally found his bottle of painkillers, holding them up like he won something. Stumbling over to the fridge, he ripped open the door and grabbed a bottle of water, popping the cap. He grabbed two pills from his medicine bottle and drowned them with the water.

The copy-nin sat down heavily on the seat in the kitchen, waiting for the pills to work their magic. After about fifteen minutes of waiting, he deemed he waited long enough and got up on shaky legs. Taking a step forward, his legs gave out and he faceplanted onto his kitchen floor.

"Fuck," Kakashi hissed, just lying there and planning to jut die there, when his doorbell rang. "Ughhhh."

Kakashi managed to crawl over towards his door, before practically clawing his way up the doorframe to finally answer the door. "Yes?"

"Kakashi!" It was Sakura and Sasuke. What now? "You need to stop moping and try getting something done!"

Get something done? Nah. Getting drunk and face planting into his kitchen floor sounded better. In fact, dying sounded much better.

"Kakashi," Sasuke said sternly, probably noticing the dark bags under his ex-sensei's eye. "I know you are very distressed about Naruto leaving, but you need to think with a calm and rational mind."

'Rational, my ass,' Kakashi thought bitterly, but didn't say anything on the outside. His headache had disappeared awhile ago, but now it was coming back. 'I need stronger painkillers.'

"Ok," The copy-nin finally said with a sigh. He needed to see if his anbu and hunter teams have found anything yet. "Let me clean up."

Not waiting for an answer, Kakashi slammed the door in their faces and headed towards his bathroom, intending to wash up. He still was wearing his clothes from yesterday, his mask was askew, and he pretty much reeked of sake. Stripping down, he entered and just stood under the warm water for awhile before roughly washing, rubbing his skin raw and red. He needed to forget, but Kakashi knew he couldn't. Never could forget. After pretty much stripping his skin, he stepped out and dressed into new and clean clothes. Stepping out of his apartment, Kakashi headed to the Hokage Tower, where he was going to die from the stress paperwork induced. He hated paperwork.

'I hope they've found something on Naruto,' Kakashi thought, quickening his pace and hoping his anbu and hunter teams found something, anything.

Entering his office, Kakashi was shocked when he saw Sasuke and Sakura were waiting by his desk. Did they find something? He hoped.

"Kakashi," Sasuke greeted, nodding at him and the silver-haired man nodded back.

"Kakashi, guess what!" Sakura squealed, hopping up and down with excitement. 'Naruto?' "Me and Sasuke are getting married!"

Kakashi swear his heart shattered right then and there. Did they not care for Naruto? "That's...nice."

That was all he could get out and the other two could tell he wasn't in the mood, so they left him alone. Kakashi just stared at his desk and clenched his hands in irration. How dare they forget Naruto?! He took a deep, calming breath and called for the anbu and hunter team he sent out yesterday.

"Hokage-sama!" They all greeted him with the customary anbu greeting. He gave them a nod and their leader spoke, "We are sorry to report that we didn't find any sign of Naruto Uzumaki or where he was heading."

Kakashi's grip on his pen tightening and the pen shattered, but he didn't notice and curtly replied, "You may leave."

Not wanted to be the subject of the Hokage's wrath, they scattered. Kakashi paid them no mind as he stood up and decided, he was going to resign from being Hokage.

That night

Kakashi checked and rechecked his bag with a nod, happy with his choosing. All his pair of clothes, his money, some food, and team seven's first group photo. It was time for him to get going and to go find Naruto. He set off in the dead of the night, letting it cloak him from the guards and he perfectly covered his tracks.

Kakashi Hatake had resigned from being Hokage.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm currently unsure on how to make Naruto and Kakashi meet, so if you have any suggestions please do tell. Ciao!


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