Rescuing Kakashi

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Hello there! It's a Thursday! Woo, actually I feel dead, but that's because of this stupid medicine I'm taking to "help" with my ADHD. I know they're trying to help, but it just doesn't work for me. Anyway, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Naruto held Kurama close to his body as he stopped at the gates of Konoha. He was home. But it wasn't home at the same time. Naruto felt conflicted as he frowned and looked at the guards from his hiding spot. Kurama's soft 'yip' brought him out of his thoughts and Naruto sighed before standing up. He had to find another way in Konoha, there was no doubt that they increased secruity. He quickly masked his chakra and followed the scent of his mate over the wall.

After several minutes, Naruto arrived at a unfamiliar building that reeked of the smell of anbu. Naruto had to cover his nose at the horrible smelling scent and clutch Kurama closer to his chest. His eyes began to water and he had to wipe his eyes before the tears fell.

"Where's Kakashi?" Naruto muttered to himself and was surprised when Kurama began to lightly sniff the air. "What is it, Kurama? Do you smell him?"

Kurama was placed on the ground with care before he hesitantly stepped forward while sniffing at the ground. Naruto crouched and silently urged Kurama on, and before long they found themselves entering the building. They took various turns and Naruto picked Kurama up as he heard voices. He pressed himself to the wall as close as possible, just as two anbu members went by, talking about a new prisoner.

"Did you hear?" The first one asked, obviously a female, she had a frog mask. "Five groups of anbu caught the traitor, Kakashi Hatake. There were rumors that he was a hottie, I would've gone out with him."

The second one responded, another female and she wore a bird mask, "Me too, but weren't there rumors tht Kakashi was in love with his student, Naruto? Either way, there must of been plenty of other girls that confessed to him, we would've never had a chance."

Naruto's felt his vision go red with jealously and he quickly reigned his control in before he attacked something. Kakashi was his, not their's. Naruto was half-tempted to snap their necks and throw their dead bodies in a ditch somewhere. After the two gossiping anbu members left, Naruto slinked down the hallway. Kurama continued to lead Naruto by pushing his head against the blond's arm, jerking his head a different direction, or squirming and whining.

"Is this where he is, Kurama?" Naruto asked softly, standing in front of a stainless steel door.

All he got in response was a 'yip' and a light bite on the arm. Naruto grumbled softly and silently checked for chakra signatures on the side of the door. Around five. One of them was definitely his mate's. Naruto felt the red in his eyes deepen and his self-control slip further.

With Kakashi

Kakashi was exhausted and in pain. The anbu had used all kinds of torturing methods on him and now he just wanted to sleep. He had woken up only about ten minutes ago. What was worst was that sometime when he was asleep, they had changed out the guards and now there was only girls watching him. They had almost immediately ripped off his mask to see his face and now they were sexually harassing him, wasn't supposed to be the other way around? Either way, Kakashi really really wanted Naruto... or Kurama to come save him now.

"I wonder what he looks like under that clothing," One of the girls whispered, sounding way to creepy for Kakashi to handle.

"This is sexual harassment!" Kakashi shouted, struggling and watching them with wide eyes. The whole time they were watching him, they had tried to make him hard with numerous things, but pretty much failed.

The thought of Naruto was probably the only thing that succeeded in that, but Kakashi couldn't even do that with these fucking perverts near him. Before Kakashi's thoughts could snatch him from reality, Naruto burst in with Kurama on his shoulder.

"What the hell did you do to my mate?!" Naruto practically screeched with fury at the girls trying to touch Kakashi.

"Your mate?" The first girl asked and Kakshi had to squeeze his eyes shut at the idiot she was. Did she have any idea who she was talking to? "Excuse me, but he's ours."

Naruto's eyes were already slits and Kakashi was actually impressed that his eyes could narrow anymore. Ahh, the perks of being a demon vessel, not really.

"Naruto," Kakashi whined out, mostly faking it so the filthy perverts would get killed very painfully. "Please help, these... these monsters are sexually harassing me!"

Naruto looked even more pissed off and- wait was he aroused? Kakashi briefly wondered if the blond had a kink he didn't know about. Naruto suddenly attacked the four girls and in less than five minutes he had killed them all.

"Are you okay, Kakashi?" Naruto asked softly, easily cutting through the rope tying him down and chakra flowed through Kakashi again.

"I'm fine," Kakashi smiled at his lover and picked him up bridal style. "Where's Kurama?"

"In the hall," Naruto mumbled, snuggling into Kakashi's chest. "You better thank him, I wouldn't have been able to find you if I didn't have him."

"Ya," Kakashi replied softly and stepped out of the room, briefly stopping to pick up Kurama. Then, they set out to escape Konoha.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. This originally was supposed to be updated last Thursday, but I got busy and my friend stayed over so yeah. I'm also sorry that this was kinda short, I've been real sad since like _CoD_Pewdiepie_ isn't on Wattpad anymore. 😭😭😭 But I hope you enjoyed! Ciao, my beloved readers and fellow writers.


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